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词汇 人时
例句 Women are advised to wait where they are not immediately visible to approaching traffic.建议妇女等人时不要站在来往车辆能够一眼看见的地方。The voguish style of address now is simply by name.现在招呼人时直呼其名已蔚为风气。For others, especially the young and foolish, the state will temper justice with mercy.对待其他人时,尤其是年轻人和愚蠢的人,国家会刚柔并济。I get a fluttery feeling in my tummy before meeting new people.要见陌生人时我总是忐忑不安。When she saw all the people in the audience, she had a sudden urge to run away.当看到观众席全都是人时,她突然产生了想要逃走的冲动。I can get through a lot more work when I'm on my own.我一个人时能完成比这多得多的工作。There was a sharp intake of breath when the prizewinners were announced.当宣布得奖人时,人们都突然屏住了呼吸。Sarah says I only change nappies when we have visitors. It is easy to be a new man in public; in private it's hard work.萨拉说我只在来客人时换换尿布。在公共场所做个新式丈夫容易,在私下却不是件容易的事。Medical staff have been issued with new guidelines for working with HIV patients.已为医务人员提供了处理艾滋病人时要遵守的新准则。He looked offended when you called him middle-aged.你称他为中年人时,他看上去有些不快。I'm always faithful when I love someone.爱一个人时,我总是忠诚专一的。The boys waited until the coast was clear before climbing over the wall.孩子们等到四下没有人时才爬过墙头。People tend to overreact when they hear about a shark attack.人们听说鲨鱼袭人时往往都会反应过激。The old prison camp is a haunting reminder of the country's dark past.这处旧时的战俘集中营使人时刻想起这个国家黑暗的过去。The suspects were last seen heading in the direction of Miami.最后一次看见嫌疑人时他们正向迈阿密方向逃窜。When he meets a stranger for the first time, he always wears a toupee to cover his baldness.他第一次见陌生人时,总会戴一顶假发遮掩他的秃头。But when he saw others like him, he didn't feel alienated any more.但当他看到与自己相似的其他人时,就不再觉得不合群了。She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.她见陌生人时很胆怯害羞。Ella loved the quiet solitude of her weekends.埃拉喜欢周末一个人时的那种清静。




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