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The weather has brought such a demand for beer that one brewery will operate over the weekend.天气状况使得对啤酒的需求大增,一家啤酒厂周末要加班了。Traces still remain of the old brewery.老啤酒厂仍然有迹可寻。Got a job bottle-washing at the brewery. I lasted a fortnight. I couldn't stick it.我找了份在啤酒厂洗瓶子的工作。干了两星期,就再也受不了了。We had to sell things off to pay the brewery bill.我们不得不变卖东西以偿付啤酒厂的账单。They bought all their equipment from a defunct brewery in Manhattan.他们的所有设备均购自曼哈顿一家已倒闭的啤酒厂。They've been brewing in the new brewery since March.他们从三月份开始已经在新厂酿酒了。 |