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词汇 aside from
例句 The professor would turn aside from his studies to play with his little grandson.这位教授常常放下手头的学术研究去跟小孙子玩。He didn't want to step aside from his chairmanship.他还不想从主席的职位上退下来。He has a duty to stand aside from party political campaigning.他的职位要求他不介入党派政治竞选活动。They turned aside from the main path onto less well-trodden ways.他们离开大路,走上没那么多人走的小路。I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.除了看看新闻和时事,我很少看电视。In the poetry competition, aside from Hass, are four other entrants.诗歌比赛除了哈斯外,还有四名其他参赛者。The city, aside from being an industrial centre, enjoys a high moral record.这城市不但是个工业中心,道德风气也一向很好。They went aside from the right path of the life.他们偏离了人生的正确道路。How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?你怎么能拒绝同情受苦受难的人呢?The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable.那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。She could only pray that the boy would turn aside from the disastrous path he had chosen.她只能祈祷那个男孩能从他选择的毁灭之路上回头。How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?你怎能对受苦受难的人们不闻不问呢?Never turn aside from the path of rectitude.切不可背离正道。Money continues to be a problem but aside from that we're all well.缺钱依然是个问题,但是除此以外,我们一切都还顺利。He has money aside from his possessions.他除了实物资产还有钱。He'd eaten half a loaf of bread, and that was aside from the sandwich he'd had earlier.他吃了半条面包,那还不包括早些时候吃的三明治。Our discussion turned aside from the main topic later.后来,我们的讨论离题了。Your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion.你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。He has nothing aside from the clothes he stands in.除了身上穿的衣服,他一无所有。Ireland stood aside from this conflict.爱尔兰没有介入这次冲突。




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