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词汇 breathtaking
例句 The brilliance of the sun on the lake was quite breathtaking.灿烂的阳光照在湖面上,这一美景令人惊叹。We live in an era of breathtaking change.我们生活在一个巨变的时代。The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.从山顶望下去,景致夺人魂魄。The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness.本书以极为轻快的行文表达了深刻的思想。The spread of the prairies was breathtaking.草原的浩瀚使人为之惊叹。The house has breathtaking views from every room.这所房子的每个房间都能看到令人惊叹的美景。The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking.从我卧室的窗户看出去,景色美得令人叹为观止。We got a breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge.我们看到了金门大桥那令人惊叹的美景。The lookout from the summit was breathtaking.从山顶上看四周,景色险峻,引人入胜。They gave a breathtaking performance.他们的表演扣人心弦。The guest house was on the side of the cliff, with breathtaking views of the ocean below.宾馆坐落在悬崖边,一眼望去,下面就是大海,景色壮观。The breathtaking potentialities of mechanization set the minds of manufacturers and merchants on fire.机械化的惊人潜力使制造厂和商人们激动不已。She danced with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking.她的舞跳得优雅轻盈,令人惊叹。The drive along the beach and up the mountain is truly breathtaking.沿着海滩以及上山的一路驱车旅行景色美得令人叹为观止。The view at Toroko Gorge, Hua-lien is breathtaking.花莲太鲁阁的景色美得令人屏息。Don't miss the chance to see the breathtaking Dolomite Mountains.不要错过欣赏多洛米蒂山壮丽景色的机会。Dan was delighted to get a room with breathtaking views of the Los Angeles basin.丹非常高兴,他住的房间能看到洛杉矶内港,景色令人叫绝。The scope of the error is breathtaking.误差范围之大令人惊讶。Some of their football was breathtaking, a delight to watch.他们踢的一些比赛非常精彩,极具观赏性。The prospect from the balcony was breathtaking.从阳台上看去景色美极了。His performance is described in the paper as "a breathtaking display of physical agility".他的表演被报纸誉为“人体灵活性的精彩展现”。It was quite breathtaking to ride on the brow of the steep hills.在陡峭的山崖边骑马实在令人胆战心惊。The sheer musicianship of this young woman is breathtaking.这位年轻女子娴熟的音乐技巧令人惊叹。From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.从塔顶俯视,这座城市的景色令人叹为观止。The view of the mountains was breathtaking.群山的景色令人窒息。The film's cinematography is breathtaking.这部影片的摄制艺术十分惊人。The ruins of Angkor Wat are truly breathtaking.吴哥窟的遗迹令人叹为观止。The woman is of a beauty almost breathtaking.这女人美艳绝伦,简直摄人魂魄。If there's good skiing, breathtaking scenery and you don't need to catch a plane, all the better!如果有好的滑雪场、令人叹为观止的美景,又不用赶飞机,那就再好不过了。The train raced past with breathtaking speed.火车以惊人的速度驶过。The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.山顶的美景令人叹为观止。The scenery along the coast was just breathtaking.沿海岸的风景真是令人惊叹。The bank's new on-line service is still growing at a breathtaking pace.这家银行新的网上服务仍在以惊人的速度扩大。From the top the view was breathtaking.从顶上看,景色令人惊叹。Celine and I looked wonderingly at the breathtaking view of the city.塞利娜和我吃惊地看着这座城市令人惊叹的美景。The city has some breathtaking architecture.这座城市有一些令人惊叹的建筑。I found her rudeness quite breathtaking.我发现她粗鲁得令人震惊。He nevertheless completed the film with breathtaking speed.但他还是以惊人的速度拍完了这部电影。




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