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词汇 mobility
例句 The accident has severely limited her mobility.这次事故严重限制了她的行走能力。Social mobility is often affected by a person's birth, income, and education.社会流动性经常受到一个人的出身、收入和所受教育的影响。A strong economy offers greater opportunities for social mobility.发达的经济为社会流动提供了更多的机会。You'll experience some loss of mobility for a few weeks after the operation.手术后几星期你会丧失部分活动能力。The key to the army's effectiveness is its increased mobility.增强军队战斗力的关键是提高其机动性。The army has improved its weapons and increased its mobility since the last war.自上次战争以来,军队改良了武器装备,提升了机动性。Better education increases social mobility.受教育程度越高越能提高社会地位。He was a great football player known for his mobility on the field.他是名了不起的橄榄球运动员,以在场上机动灵活著称。The degree of economic mobility is different in different societies.在不同的社会里,经济流动性的程度是不同的。A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility.大腿受伤使她行动愈发不便。She has limited mobility in her arms.她的双臂只能做有限的活动。She lost mobility in her left arm after the accident.事故之后她的左臂无法移动。The weakening of bone tissue has a considerable effect on an elderly person's mobility.骨质疏松对老年人的活动能力会产生很大的影响。There is increasing social mobility among senior white collar workers, who are able to move quite rapidly between organizations.高级白领的社会流动性越来越大,他们能够在企业之间迅速流动。She is disabled, but can take her daughter to school using her mobility scooter.她身有残疾,但是可以用她的电动代步车送女儿上学。Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury.一些颈部损伤会导致受伤部位以下肢体完全丧失活动能力。Education was the key to upward social mobility.教育是提高社会地位的关键。A car would give you greater mobility.汽车将使人们具有更大的流动性。The accident affected her mobility.那次意外事故使她的活动能力受到了影响。The school have bent over backwards to accommodate Jan's mobility difficulties.学校想方设法顾及简的行动不便。She wants a job with more upward mobility.她想要一份有更大发展前途的工作。Two cars gave them the freedom and mobility to go their separate ways.拥有两辆车使他们能自由自在地各自单独行动。She lost mobility in her left hand.她的左手不能动弹了。His mobility improved progressively over the weeks.几周以来他的行动越来越灵活。Consumers are demanding mobility, so that they can have access to information wherever they go.消费者要求享有移动设备上的服务,好让他们随处接触信息。It improves the strength and mobility of joints.它能提高关节的力量和灵活性。I prefer the mobility of a hand-held camera.我更喜欢手持摄像机的灵活性。The high cost of living acts as an obstacle to mobility of labor.高昂的生活费阻碍了劳动力的流动。With the car, people achieved a mobility never before imagined.有了汽车,人们获得了之前无法想象的出行自由。The patient should be able to regain full mobility.这位病人应该能够恢复正常的活动能力。Because of the injury, some decrease in mobility is to be expected.因为有伤,身体移动不太方便是在意料之中。




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