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词汇 mobile phone
例句 The robber grabbed the mobile phone away from the woman.抢劫犯把那名妇女的手机抢走了。The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.作为使用最普遍的消费电器,手机将进入一个新时代。I'm sure I saw him pocketing your mobile phone.我真真切切地看到他把手伸进你的口袋里去偷你的手机。A mobile phone lets you reach help when you're in a tight spot.手机可以在你身处险境时让你求助。The mobile phone reception is terrible where I live.我住的那个地方手机信号很差。The briefcase has separate pockets for your mobile phone and calculator.这个公文包内有分别放手机和计算器的小兜。In the budget before last a tax penalty on the mobile phone was introduced.上上次的预算案中对移动电话引入了惩罚性税收。A mobile phone makes you contactable wherever you are.手机使你不论在哪里都可以联系得到。His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。Jack has always got a mobile phone clamped to his ear.杰克的耳朵上总是夹戴着移动电话。He uses his mobile phone to surf online.他用手机上网。I'm not keen on having a mobile phone, but I suppose we must all move with the times.我不热衷于买手机,可我认为我们都得跟上时代潮流。My mobile phone went off during the movie.看电影时我的手机响了。The mobile phone market makes up only a small part of Scottish Telecom's business.手机市场只占了苏格兰电信公司生意的一小部分。He called me on my mobile phone.他拨打了我的手机。The mobile phone is now a must-have for children.手机现在已经成了孩子们的必备品。There was a threefold increase in mobile phone sales compared to last year.手机销量和去年相比增长了三倍。The recent boom in mobile phone sales seems to have reached a plateau.最近移动电话的销售量在经历了一段时间的高速增长后好像已经停滞了。A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。He reckons his new mobile phone is the best thing since sliced bread.他认为他的新手机是最好的。The mobile phone companies compete with each other to win new subscribers.移动电话公司竞相争取新用户。The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.手机生意实际上是他的生计。This is the easiest way to top up your mobile phone.这是给手机卡充值的最简便办法。My dad gave me a mobile phone for Christmas.我爸爸送给我一个手机作为圣诞礼物。I haven't been able to raise her on her mobile phone.我还没联系到她的移动电话。The bubble has finally burst in the mobile phone industry.移动电话行业的泡沫终于破灭了。He forgot the charger for his mobile phone.他忘了带手机充电器。A mobile phone mast has been sited on top of the school building.移动电话发射站建在了学校大楼的楼顶。I absolutely can't do without my mobile phone.我没有手机是绝对不行的。I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man.我上周借我老婆的手机用,收到一个男人发来的短信。My mobile phone is extremely useful.我的手机很有用。A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.这份工作的一些额外待遇包括配备公车和移动电话。




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