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词汇 书页
例句 She had her finger pressed to the page as if marking her place.她用手指压在书页上,仿佛要记下读到了什么地方。I inserted the paper between the pages of the book.我把报纸插在了书页之间。We pressed the flowers between the pages of a book.我们把花夹在书页里。There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.装订书籍的方法有几种,比如你可以将书页缝在一起或粘在一起。The crackle and glow of the author lives on in these pages.那位作家的才华和热情跃然于这些书页上。She glanced down at the neat black pen and ink sketch on her page.她朝下瞄了一眼书页上简洁的黑墨水钢笔素描。Her eyes kept straying from the page.她的目光老是不由自主地离开书页往别处看。The pages of this book have clung together.这本书的书页都黏在一起了。I twisted the gooseneck lamp around so that the light fell on the pages.我把鹅颈管台灯扭转来,使光照在书页上。The pages had begun to yellow and curl.书页已经开始泛黄卷边。You can preview the page/photo before you print it.书页/照片打印前可预览样张/样片。He noted on the margin his disagreement with the author.他在书页的空白处写下了与作者不同的意见。The pages of the book were stained and creased.这本书的书页弄得脏兮兮、皱巴巴的。She sat scanning the yellowing pages.她坐着浏览发黄的书页He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他小心地把包装纸抚平,夹在书页里。She put the pencil between the pages to hold her place.她把铅笔放在书页间以免忘掉自己读到什么地方了。The book's pages were mottled with brown stains.书页上布满了褐色的污渍。Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book.别把书页的角折起,那样会把书弄坏的。The error stared from the page.书页上这个错误很触目。You can see a preview of the page/photo before you print it.书页/照片打印前可预览样张/样片。I would ask you not to double the pages.我请你不要折书页The girl pressed the flower between the pages of a book.女孩把花压在书页中间。He fumbled the pages looking for the place.他翻弄书页寻找他所要的内容。I ran my finger down the page until I found the name I was looking for.我的手指沿书页往下移动,直到发现了我要找的名字。She ruffled the pages of the book, searching for answers.她急速翻阅书页,查找答案。I gummed the photographs onto the page.我把照片粘在书页上。The page, with its large, readable type and wide margins, was designed to invite reading.书页上印有大而清晰的字体,两边留出宽绰的空白,意在吸引读者。He folded down the corner of his page.他将他正在看的那一书页折一个角。The printer made an error and the pages were bound the wrong way round.印刷厂出错,书页都装订乱了。Some of the pages have come loose.有几张书页松脱了。There was no sound in the library except for the occasional rustle of papers.图书馆里除了偶尔有书页翻动的窸窣声以外,悄然无声。




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