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词汇 举行会议
例句 On the first morning of the conference, most of us were still jet-lagged.举行会议的第一个早上,我们大多数人仍感到时差还没有调整过来。The sales team meets on a regular basis. 销售团队定期举行会议European statesmen are meeting in Paris today to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.今天,欧洲的政治家在巴黎举行会议,讨论中东危机。Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.举行会议的酒店周围的安全措施似乎不太严格。The members of the learned society met for their annual blackball session.这个学术团体的成员举行会议,进行一年一度的拒人于门外的无记名投票。Representatives from the world's leading industrial nations will meet in Geneva.来自世界上各主要工业国的代表将在日内瓦举行会议Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.定期举行会议以监督案件的进展。He insisted the meeting be held, in true spy novel fashion, in the open air.他坚持要像真正的间谍小说中描写的那样在露天举行会议There's not much point in a meeting until he has something definite to put on the table.在他有确定性的意见提出之前,举行会议没有什么意思。Congress will convene again in the fall.国会将于秋季再度举行会议The town holds regular meetings.镇上定期举行会议She had to keep out of sight when her husband was holding a meeting.她在丈夫举行会议时只得避不露面。They will hold a meeting Tuesday.他们将于周二举行会议The sales team meets regularly.销售团队定期举行会议




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