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例句 Australian researchers have discovered a substance in coffee that acts like morphine.澳大利亚研究人员在咖啡中发现了一种作用类似吗啡的物质。Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion.爆炸发生将近两个小时以后,在废墟中发现了一个已经死亡的小孩。There were minor disturbances in Amman during the recent by-elections.安曼在最近的补选中发生了小小的骚乱。The relics were discovered in a lead box in the ruins of an abbey.在一所修道院的废墟中发现了装在铅盒里的圣髑。The rifle played a big role in the early settlement of North America.步枪在早期的北美殖民地开拓中发挥了巨大作用。She was quick to spot the inconsistencies between his two reports.她很快在他的两份报告中发现了几个相互矛盾的地方。A cheer arose from the crowd when the president appeared.当总统露面时,人群中发出了欢呼声。Life isn't a series of predestined events: we have some control over what happens.生活中发生的事不全是命定的:我们可以支配某些事情。Evidence of plagiarism has been found in his latest book.在他的新书中发现了抄袭的证据。Traces of an illegal substance were found in his blood.在他的血液中发现了违禁物质的成分。The airforce played a huge part in the Kosovo conflict.空军在科索沃的冲突中发挥了巨大的作用。They uncovered several errors in his report to the committee.他们在他提交给委员会的报告中发现了一些错误。Ice age bones are being excavated in the caves.冰河时期的遗骸正从岩洞中发掘出来。The body was found among the remains of a burned-out house.尸体是在一所焚毁房子的废墟中发现的。He was revolted by the stench of the stockyards.牲口围栏中发出的恶臭让他作呕。Tutors from minority backgrounds had a leading influence in drafting the course.有少数民族背景的教师在课程设计中发挥了主导作用。The change happens in a series of discrete steps.这一变化在一系列分离的步骤中发生。Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.在她的行李中发现了好几公斤强效纯可卡因。Airline screeners found a suspicious package in his luggage which turned out to be a bomb.机场安检人员在他的行李中发现一件可疑包裹,最终查明是枚炸弹。He was a voice of sanity in the Republican Party.他是共和党中发出理智声音的人。He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.因海关人员在他的包中发现了毒品,他被捕了。He heard the disgruntled mutter rumble through the crowd.他听到人群中发出一片表示不满的咕哝声。The Orient has been playing an active role in the world economy.亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。Coastguards hit the jackpot yesterday when a routine search of a fishing vessel uncovered two tons of cocaine.海岸警卫队昨天撞了大运,在对一艘渔船的例行搜查中发现了两吨可卡因。They developed their ideas in part from important work by Paykel.他们的想法一部分是从派克尔的重要成果中发展而来的。A cry of anger sprang from the crowd.从人群中发出了愤怒的叫声。They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb.他们在古墓中发现了一些上釉的陶罐。The police are investigating disturbances at the prison.警察正在调查监狱中发生的骚乱。In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene DVDs.警方在这次突击搜查中发现了几箱淫秽光盘。The crowd gave a ragged cheer.人群中发出了零落的欢呼声。Gradual hearing loss often goes unnoticed until substantial damage is done.渐进性听力丧失往往是在不知不觉中发生的,直到听力严重受损才会察觉。We found mistakes aplenty in their story.我们在他们的报道中发现很多错误。The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.这部电影和现实生活中发生的一系列戏剧性事件有着诡异的巧合之处。In some patients the drug has been found to have hallucinatory side effects.在有些病人中发现此药有致幻的副作用。All of a sudden we heard an almighty crash from the kitchen.突然我们听到厨房中发出一声巨响。They found invasive cancer during a routine examination.他们在常规体检中发现了扩散性的癌变。Merycism is found mainly in young children and people with mental disabilities.反刍症主要在儿童或有精神疾病的人中发生。The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.程序在数据库文件中发现了一个矛盾之处。The UK has played a decisive role in these negotiations.英国在这些谈判中发挥了决定性的作用。




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