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词汇 两个人
例句 The two men met and agreed to collaborate.两个人见了面,并同意进行合作。The two men are being held without bail.两个人不得保释。Two people witnessed the signing of the will.两个人见证了遗嘱的签署。There was an understanding between us.我们两个人有默契。We only knew two people in Montreal to start with, but we soon made friends.起初我们在蒙特利尔只认识两个人,但很快就交到了朋友。Both men have repeatedly denied the allegations.两个人都一再否认指控。Those two should have been thrown in jail.两个人早就应该抓去坐牢。Come in – there's room for two.进来吧,有两个人的位置。She scanned the street nervously, looking for the two men.她紧张地扫视街道,寻找那两个人Neither man looked particularly cheerful.两个人谁都似乎不是特别高兴。The government ordered the immediate expulsion of the two men.政府命令立即将这两个人驱逐出境。The two men were oaring their way across the lake.两个人正在划船穿过湖面。Both men display the fiery self-reliance that natives of Oregon tend to possess.两个人都表现出刚强自立的气质,这是俄勒冈人的典型气质。The two characters met in a previous chapter.两个人物在上一章中见面了。At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.影片一开始,镜头拉近,对准了坐在河边的两个人When two people marry, they enter into a contract with each other.两个人结婚时,他们便达成一种契约关系。The treaty depends on the two men's ability to find common ground.这一协议取决于两个人能否达成共识。Neither man was prepared to deny his religion.两个人都不准备背弃自己的宗教。I turned to glance back and saw two men coming towards me.我快速地转身,看见两个人朝我走来。He cast a stern glance at the two men.他朝那两个人狠狠地瞪了一眼。The light aircraft then cartwheeled, trapping both men.这架轻型飞机接着一个侧翻,把两个人都困住了。I always confuse between him and John.他和约翰两个人我老分不清。The two men were involved in an elaborate con to cheat investors out of their money.两个人涉及一宗精心策划的诈骗投资者金钱的案子。Head down, I bulldozed my way between the two grappling men.我低着头硬挤进扭打着的两个人中间。There were two of them, both carrying pistols.他们有两个人,都带着手枪。News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back.原定两个人共同举行的新闻发布会被推迟。There was a picture of them both in the paper.报纸上有一张他们两个人的合影照片。The two men ended up bidding against each other at the auction.两个人最终在拍卖会上互相较劲。Her comments set off a chain of events that led to two people losing their jobs.她的评论引发了一系列事件,使两个人失去了工作。Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much over for luxuries when there's two of you to live on it.拉森公司给我的薪水算是不错,但是两个人靠这份工资生活便没有多少闲钱买奢侈品了。No two people are exactly alike.没有两个人是完全一样的。Apart from two men on watch in the engine-room, everyone was asleep.除了两个人在机房值班外,其他人都在睡觉。How much would a weekend for two in New York cost?两个人去纽约度周末要花多少钱?Either candidate would be ideal for the job.两个人中的任意一个都是做这项工作的理想人选。Both of the car's occupants were injured.轿车里的两个人都受了伤。He was left to play gooseberry while the other two talked and laughed all evening.整个晚上,另外两个人有说有笑,他倒成了电灯泡。Both men continually bad-mouthed each other.两个人都在背地里频繁地互相攻击。They both lived to a ripe old age.他们两个人都活到了高龄。They sent two men out in front as scouts.他们派出了两个人到前面侦察。These two deaths have remained a mystery.两个人的死仍是个谜。




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