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词汇 不雅
例句 Tight bras and knickers can cause unsightly bulges under close-fitting clothes.紧绷的胸罩和短衬裤使紧身的衣服撑得胀鼓鼓的,十分不雅Two male juveniles were arrested and charged with indecent exposure after they mooned a police officer.两个青少年男子因在公共场合向一名警察亮出光屁股而被捕,并被控不雅暴露。She was conscious of how inelegant she looked.她意识到自己看起来多么不雅The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion.该修正案对贬损某一宗教教物或信仰的淫秽或不雅内容予以禁止。The movie contains some strong language. 这部电影有一些不雅语言。She's undone one more button than propriety would deem decent, revealing a glimpse of cleavage.她少扣了一个扣子,若隐若现地露出乳沟,这在礼节上被认为不雅Bushes and plants make the perfect screen for unsightly objects such as dustbins.灌木及其他植物成了垃圾箱等不雅之物的理想遮挡物。He had an unfortunate habit of getting drunk and behaving badly at parties.他有一种不雅的习惯,就是在聚会上喝醉酒,举止失态。That's a rather unfortunate turn of phrase.那是相当不雅的措词。I think the film's a little too risqué for my mum.我认为这部电影对我妈妈来说有点儿太不雅了。This is rustic music, coarse and slightly vulgar.这是粗俗的音乐,粗劣而略带不雅




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