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词汇 很自然
例句 He was a convenient scapegoat.很自然就成了替罪羊。Writing came naturally to her, even as a child.写作对于她来讲是件很自然的事,甚至在她小时候就是如此。Your highlights look really natural.你挑染的头发看上去真的很自然She spoke in a familiar way about her past.很自然地说起她的过去。It comes quite natural to him to help others.对他说来帮助别人是很自然的事。He's naturally able to make people feel comfortable.很自然地能使人感到舒服。It's not surprising you feel weak if you haven't eaten properly for days.如果你几天都没有好好吃东西的话,觉得虚弱无力是很自然的。I suppose it's natural for a mother to feel sad when her children leave home.子女离家走了,作为母亲的感到伤心,我想这是很自然的。It's natural for teenagers to rebel.十几岁的青少年叛逆是很自然的事。People, naturally enough, want to know that their loved ones are out of danger.很自然地,人们都想知道自己的亲人是否已经脱离了危险。She is proud of her children, and rightly so.她为她的孩子们感到骄傲,这是很自然的。It's only natural to worry about your child's diet.担心孩子的饮食是很自然的。The whole process separates quite naturally into three smaller stages.整个过程很自然地分成三个较小的步骤。A layer of sand will give a natural appearance to the bottom of the aquarium.在底部铺一层沙,水族箱的外观就会显得很自然Residents are outraged, and rightly so.居民们感到极为愤慨,这是很自然的。It is natural that superstition should prevail everywhere in barbarous ages.在荒蛮年代,迷信的到处盛行是很自然的。He was very unselfconscious about his scar.在关于他的伤疤的事情上,他表现得很自然Naturally, both parties think they are in the right.很自然,双方都认为自己有理。We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。When you give a speech, it's natural to feel nervous beforehand.你在演讲之前感到紧张是很自然的。Many have already died, and in the nature of things many more will die.很多人已经故去,更多的人将会离世,这很自然This is a natural look which you can easily duplicate at home.这是很自然的样式,你可以很容易地在家里复制。It's only natural that you should be nervous.你感到紧张是很自然的。It is natural for children to have different views from their parents.孩子的想法不同于父母,这是很自然的。It's natural to feel sad about it when your children finally leave home.孩子们最后都离家走了,感到难过是很自然的事。Makeup should look natural.女性的妆容应该看上去很自然Both of these teams have a healthy dislike for each other.他们两队对彼此有一种很自然的反感。It's the natural starting point for a discussion on how to help the homeless.对于讨论如何帮助无家可归之人,这是很自然的引入点。Not unnaturally, Jane greatly resented Harry's interference.很自然地,简对哈利的干预极为不满。In professional football, serious injuries come with the territory.在职业足球界,受重伤是很自然的事。It is natural for us to speculate about the reasons for their visits.我们很自然会揣摸他们来访的目的何在。It is perfectly normal/natural to feel nervous.感到紧张完全正常/很自然Not unnaturally, I wanted to know where my daughter had been all night.很自然,我想知道我女儿整个晚上去哪儿了。As your uncle, it is only natural for me to show avuncular concern for your welfare.作为你的叔叔,对你的幸福关心是很自然的事。




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