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词汇 很胖
例句 She was getting very fat indeed, now that she was in something called `the pudding club', going to have a baby.她确实变得很胖了,那是因为她现在大着肚子,要生小孩了。I used to be fat but my sister was always bony.我以前很胖,但我姐姐却一直很瘦。Overweight and sweating in the humid weather, she stamped from room to room.很胖,在潮湿的天气里浑身大汗,烦躁地在各个房间之间噔噔地走来走去。Like most women, she thinks she's fat.与大多数女性一样,她觉得自己很胖He had a fat body but thin legs and arms.他身上很胖,但腿和胳膊却很瘦。He's got a rather fat face.他长着一张很胖的脸。She's not exactly fat, but she is slightly overweight.她不算很胖,只是略微超重。Tell me the truth - does this dress make me look fat?跟我说实话—我穿这条裙子看起来是不是很胖I told her she looked fat, whereupon she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears.我告诉她她看上去很胖,她马上把一整锅饭菜都朝我摔过来,然后放声大哭。Are you saying I'm fat?你是在说我很胖吗?




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