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词汇 bowel
例句 He was no longer continent of bowel or bladder.他已经大小便失禁了。Patients are asked to report any change in bowel habit.病人被要求报告大便习惯的任何变化。Mesenteric cysts are most frequently located in the small bowel mesentery and mesocolon.肠系膜囊肿最常出现的地方是小肠系膜和结肠系膜。The boy was suffering from a bowel obstruction and he died.这个男孩因患肠梗阻死去了。The patient made/had a normal bowel movement.病人排便正常。He disclosed that he had had a bowel movement that day.他透露自己那天排便了。One possible complication of colonoscopy is a perforation through the bowel wall that could require surgery.结肠镜检查的一个可能的并发症是大肠穿孔,必须靠手术解决。The doctor asked if I was regular/if my bowel movements were regular.医生问我大便是否正常。He died from a perforated bowel.他死于肠穿孔。Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.女性比男性更易患肠易激综合征。Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer.研究表明高纤维饮食可预防肠癌。Her bowel habits changed during pregnancy; she was either very constipated or had diarrhoea.怀孕期间她的排便习惯改变了,她不是严重便秘就是腹泻。Mesenteric panniculitis can result in a solid mass which obstructs the bowel.脂肠炎可能导致产生硬块阻塞肠道。Try to make sure your bowel motions are regular and that you avoid any constipation.尽量保证大便规律,避免便秘。One patient suffered a bowel perforation.一位病人患了肠穿孔。He's been having painful bowel movements.他排便一直很痛苦。There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth.大小便失禁的原因可能很多,其中包括控制大肠蠕动的肌肉在分娩的时候受损。Recent studies show that many people who think they are suffering from bowel disease might in fact be lactose-intolerant.最近的研究显示许多认为自己肠道有问题的人其实是对乳糖不耐受。A balanced diet is known to assist in the prevention of bowel cancer.众所周知,均衡的饮食有助于预防肠癌。




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