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She kept a running total of their expenses on the trip.她不断更新他们旅行的总支出。We work hard to keep our database up to date.我们花了很大力气不断更新数据库。Efforts were continually made to bring the dictionary up to date.一再作出努力,使词典不断更新。Our database is being continually updated.我们的数据库一直在不断更新。We will continue to update our sales strategy.我们会不断更新销售策略。Our records are continually updated.我们的档案在不断更新。Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.医生必须不断更新知识以保持自己的专业能力。You have been assigned the task of keeping the records up to date.指派给你的任务是不断更新记录。All our information is kept right up to date on the computer.我们贮存在计算机中的所有信息都在不断更新。 |