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The authorities did not interfere with us.当局不干涉我们。She took a laissez-faire approach to managing her employees. 她采取不干涉策略来管理她的员工。Generally, I think the policy of non-intervention is the correct one.总的来说,我认为不干涉政策是正确选择。The country has adopted a policy of nonintervention.这个国家采取了不干涉他国事务的政策。I tried to offer advice without interfering.我尽量在不干涉的前提下提出建议。It would be surprising if the Mafia had not muscled in.黑手党如果不干涉的话还真是件怪事。The western democracies held to their policy of non-intervention.西方民主国家坚守它们的不干涉政策。Paul has a hands-off style of management.保罗采取一种不干涉的管理方法。 |