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词汇 不同的
例句 Two people can meet in virtual reality even if physically located in different continents.两个人即便身处不同的大陆,也可以在虚拟现实中相遇。The Times takes a different angle on the story.《泰晤士报》对这条新闻持不同的立场。We heard conflicting reports about how many people were involved.关于所涉及的人数,我们听到了不同的报道。Every day a different chef will be conjuring up delicious dishes in the restaurant.每天,饭店里会有一位不同的大厨像变戏法似的奉上可口的菜肴。Several different kinds of buffalo live in Asia, Africa, and America.几种不同的水牛生活在亚洲,非洲和美洲。Every good cook needs an assortment of knives for different jobs in the kitchen.每个好厨师在厨房里都需要各种各样的刀来干不同的活。The opinions they expressed ranged right across the political spectrum.他们表达的观点涉及各种不同的政治立场。In the fetus, blood cells are formed in different sites at different ages.胎儿的血细胞在不同时期生成在不同的部位。Everyone has a different opinion about what to do.每个人对于该做什么都有不同的观点。You should not be judgemental about people and their differing sexualities.你不应对别人以及他们不同的性取向品头论足。The different environmental groups could work together to their mutual benefit.不同的环保组织可以携手合作,互惠互利。Different metals weld at different temperatures.不同的金属在不同的温度下方能焊接。Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.切生肉和熟肉要用不同的刀。Every guest brought a different dish to the party, and we had quite a feast.每位参加派对的客人都带来一道不同的菜肴,令我们大饱口福。Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease.在这一群体里,这种疾病在不同的动物身上有着不同的表现。The school uses a variety of tests for its annual student assessments. 学校采用各种不同的测试方法对学生进行年度测评。The older generation have a different set of values.老一辈人有一套不同的价值观。They sell paint in very small cans so you can try out the different colours at home.他们把油漆装在很小的罐里出售,所以你可以在家里试用不同的颜色。You'll feel differently about it when the time comes.到时候你对它会有不同的感觉。She has tried out many different jobs but can't find one she likes.她试过很多不同的工作,但没找到一个喜欢的。They were friends in college, but then they moved to different cities and lost touch.他们在大学里是朋友,但后来搬到不同的城市后就失去联系了。I try to vary my route to and from work a little.我尽量在上下班时走不同的路线。She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.她打开电视,来回换台看不同的新闻节目。They were dancing with different partners.他们和不同的舞伴跳舞。With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.有了事后的认识,我们都会以不同的方式行事。It's a cruel and vicious regime that represses all opposition.这是个残忍恶毒的政府,它压制所有不同的政见。Several different etymologies have been proposed.几种不同的词源阐释被提了出来。Different teachers make different contributions to a student's growth.不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用。His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。He visited the center several times, trying out different computer software packages.他几度走访该中心,试用不同的电脑套装软件。Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.报纸上鲜有登载不同的意见。The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。She turns her students' attention outward by making them aware of different cultures.她让学生了解不同的文化,使他们关注自身之外的世界。The stomach of ruminants is divided into distinct compartments.反刍动物的胃分成几个不同的部分。We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.我们有不同的背景和不同的历史。因此,我们有权拥有不同的未来。These products are available with many different options and upgrades.这些产品有许多不同的选择和升级品。To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.为更清晰地理解此处的问题,我们来看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡子。Taxpayers fall into one of several categories.纳税人分为几个不同的类别。There are a number of different options to choose from.有几个不同的选择。Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets.不同的州或企业集团可以联合起来以扩大市场。




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