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词汇 牟利
例句 They milked their advantage for all it was worth.他们极尽仗势牟利之能事。The government ignores the needs of the majority in order to line the pockets of the favoured few.政府无视大多数人的需求而为少数特权者牟利The Scottish Executive has been caught feathering the nest of private prison operators at the taxpayers' expense.这位苏格兰行政长官被发现动用纳税人的钱为私人监狱经营者牟利These men cannot be allowed to profit from their criminal activities.不能允许这些人从其犯罪活动中牟利They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company's profits.他们一直人为地使糖的价格居高不下,以此为公司牟利Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death.人们指责她的家人借她的死牟利The Supreme Court today struck down a law that prevents criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes.最高法院今天废止了一项关于禁止罪犯把其罪行写成书或拍成电影而从中牟利的法律。




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