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Reports of official graft and profiteering were blacked out in the press.有关官吏贪污受贿和牟取暴利的报道被禁止在报上发表。Some people had gained control of a handful of banks to line their own pockets.有些人控制了几家银行,以便从中牟取暴利。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。They adulterated the high-quality gold ornaments to reap fabulous profits.他们在高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利。He made his money by tarting up slum houses and selling them at a huge profit.他挣钱的方法是将破旧的房子装点一下后再倒手牟取暴利。He probably knew he was marked to run into trouble for profiteering.他或许知道他牟取暴利肯定要受到惩罚。The company was accused of profiteering during the crisis.这家公司被指控在危机期间牟取暴利。Members cannot use the scheme to profiteer.成员不能利用该方案牟取暴利。 |