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例句 The story was plausible but that didn't necessarily mean it was true.这个说法听起来有道理,却不一定意味着就是真的。She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged.她是一个志愿者,不一定非是受人迫使的。You don't need to understand how computers work to be able to use them.不一定非要懂计算机原理才会使用电脑。His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.他发表的游记对其他探险家不一定有用。Having this disease does not necessarily mean that you will die young.得了这种病不一定就活不长。You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement.如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。There was a sporting chance they would meet, but not necessarily at the party.他们很有可能会见面,但不一定在聚会上。There's no certainty that he'll remember.不一定记得起来。Here's the list of names, for what it's worth.这里有一张名单,不一定能派上用场。Not all searches and seizures by the police require a warrant.警方的搜查和没收不一定都需要授权证明。The fines for speeding are large, but even so, they are not always a deterrent.对超速驾驶的罚款很重,但即使如此也不一定能起到阻吓作用。Perhaps someday I'll be rich.不一定有朝一日我会发财。Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.古旧的相机不一定就值钱。You don't need to come if you don't want to.要是你不想来,不一定非得来。The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the editor.文章中反映出的观点不一定是编者的观点。It's not necessarily better or worse, it's just a matter of taste.不一定是孰优孰劣的问题,只是品味不同罢了。Happiness does not always go with riches.有了财富不一定就会感到幸福。You do not need to be an expert to make this simple design.这个简单的设计不一定非要专家才能做。Expensive restaurants aren't necessarily the best.昂贵的餐馆不一定是最好的。When kids do badly at school, it's not always the teachers who are to blame.假如小孩子在学校表现很差,不一定总是老师的错。The rules pertaining to one set of circumstances do not necessarily pertain to another.对于一种情况适用的规则对于另一种情况不一定适用。Economic growth and environmental regulations do not have to be incompatible goals.经济增长和环境法规的目标不一定互相抵触。Our physical strength declines with age, but not necessarily our intellect.随着年龄增长,我们的体力会下降,但智力却不一定降低。Well, I know what I think, but you might not agree.嗯,我有我的想法,不过你不一定赞同。Consensus need not be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.一致的意见不一定就没有影响力,也不一定就会导致走中间路线的政策。Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read.交响乐演奏家不一定能够视谱演奏。It's important to recognize that obesity isn't necessarily caused by overeating.肥胖不一定是吃得过多导致的,认识到这一点很重要。You don't have to match your lipstick exactly to your outfit.不一定非要让唇膏的颜色同礼服完全搭配。Society's attitude towards children who live in the streets is not always protective.社会对于流落街头的孩子的态度不一定是关切保护。Sexual acts do not necessarily lead to pregnancy, but pregnancy does not occur without coitus.性行为不一定导致怀孕,但没有性交合肯定就不会怀孕。Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical.不同的电子制表软件包往往很相似,虽然不一定一模一样。Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing.一些经济学家指出,低通货膨胀不一定是好事。An open ticket means you are not tied to returning on a particular day.未注明往返日期的机票意味着你不一定非得某一天回来。She will be offered treatment, with the caveat that it may not work.她将会接受治疗,但医生提醒她治疗不一定有效。You've been here before, though you might not remember because you were pretty little.你以前来过这里,不过你不一定记得,因为那时你还小。Being with friends does not necessarily solve my problem.和朋友相处不一定能解决我的问题。The drug is usually effective but unfortunately the side effects are not always predictable.那种药物通常是有效的,但不幸的是其副作用不一定能够预测出来。The campaign might not succeed in eliminating the disease, but it would make people think about health and hygiene.这次运动不一定能根除这一疾病,但它将引起人们对健康和卫生的重视。It's meant to be sunny tomorrow but I wouldn't bet on it.说是明天是晴天,不过我看不一定Dutch speakers can usually understand German quite well, but not vice versa.说荷兰语的人一般都听得懂德语,但说德语的人却不一定能听懂荷兰语。




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