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词汇 hostility
例句 Mixed-race couples faced open hostility.从前异族通婚的夫妇会遭遇公开的敌视。He misinterpreted my action as a sign of hostility.他将我的行为误解为敌意的表示。There is no American geopolitical motivation for hostility between Iran and the US.伊朗和美国之间的敌对状态不存在美国地缘政治方面的动机。The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.早年的恐惧和遭受的敌视给这个小男孩留下了深深的创伤。They eyed each other with open hostility.他们公开敌对地看着对方。I have no hostility toward him.我对他毫无敌意。Carbone seemed unaffected by the crowd's hostility towards him.卡蓬似乎未受人群的敌意的影响。I was aware of her thinly disguised hostility.我注意到她那几乎不加掩饰的敌意。Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.虽然黑人学生与白人学生之间没有公开的敌意,但他们也不怎么来往。There was an edge of hostility in Jack's voice.杰克的话音里流露出敌意。By mid-season the hostility between the two was undisguised.到了赛季中期,两人之间的敌对情绪已经公开化了。He is now facing open hostility from members of his own political party.他现在面临来自自己政党内部公开的敌意。There is a lot of public hostility to the tax.公众愤然反对该项税收。I was, I admit, relieving my growing hostility on him.我承认我当时是在向他发泄越来越强烈的敌意。This was a predictable reaction given the hostility between the two countries.鉴于两国间彼此敌视,这一反应是可以预见的。Recently there has been hostility towards the Prime Minister from members of his own party.最近党内成员也对首相怀有敌意。There's a certain hostility in his manner.他的态度有点儿敌意。Their relationship has deteriorated to the point of open hostility.他们的关系已经恶化到公开敌对的地步。Grace tittered, but underneath the titter was a firm edge of hostility.格雷斯吃吃一笑,但笑声的背后却是锋芒毕露的敌意。They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.他们将会强烈反对价格上涨,同时肯定会要求相应地增加工资。The proposal was met with outright hostility.提议遭到公然反对。His suggestions met with some hostility.他的建议遭到某种程度的反对。In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.尽管自己心存敌意,她还是为他所吸引。He looked at me with a mixture of impudence and hostility.他以既放肆又敌视的态度看着我。I was met with downright hostility.我受到了极端的敌视。Her attitude towards me oscillated between friendship and hostility.她对我的态度时而友好,时而敌对。There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history.传统主义者反对这种历史教学法。The growing hostility between the two parties is threatening to plunge the country into civil war.两党之间日益激化的敌对情绪使国家濒临内战边缘。The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.过去十年里,对黑人及少数族裔的种族歧视和敌对行为变得日益猖獗。They were both glad to have gotten through the divorce proceedings without any visible signs of hostility.和平走完了离婚程序,他们俩都高兴。Christabel looked at Ron with open hostility.克丽丝特布尔带着公然的敌意看着罗恩。He returned their hostility in full measure. 他以同样的敌视情绪回应了他们。I could sense the hostility lurking behind her polite facade.我能感觉到在她彬彬有礼的外表下隐藏的敌意。Experiments to try to clone human embryos have met with hostility from some sections of the public.尝试克隆人类胚胎的实验遭到了部分公众的强烈反对。They were greeted with suspicion and hostility at first.刚开始他们遭到怀疑与敌视。Their friendship is regarded with suspicion and hostility.他们的友情受到猜疑和敌视。The two leaders promised to work to remove any remnants of Cold War hostility.那两位领导人允诺要努力消除冷战时的敌对状态遗下的任何残迹。Her cool politeness had given way to open hostility.她冷冰冰的客气变成了公开的敌意。The reforms come after decades of hostility to revisionism.和修正主义对抗了几十年之后,改革终于到来了。This goes some way towards / toward explaining the hostility between the two groups.这在一定程度上解释了两个团体间的对立。




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