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词汇 hostage
例句 They're being held hostage/captive/prisoner.他们现在成了人质/俘虏/囚犯。A British journalist was held hostage for over four years.一名英国记者被扣作人质四年多。He was taken hostage by a gang of desperate men.他被一群亡命之徒劫持作为人质。In hostage-taking situations, it is not uncommon for Stockholm syndrome to develop.在被劫持的环境中,发生斯德哥尔摩综合症并不罕见。Everybody who goes into this region, whoever they are, is at risk of being taken hostage.进入这个地区的人,不管是谁,都有被劫为人质的危险。The president is hanging tough on the hostage crisis.总统在处理人质危机时毫不妥协。The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.焦头烂额的总统还否认了最近有关他被自己的士兵挟持为人质的说法。The thief tried to use a hostage as a human shield. 窃贼试图用一个人质作人体盾牌。There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release.一点也没有释放人质会有的那种紧张和如释重负的感觉。The hostage crisis is now entering its second week.此次人质危机现在已是第二周了。The hostage crisis has provided many moments of high drama. 人质危机呈现出许多极度紧张的时刻。They took us as hostages. = They took us hostage.他们把我们扣作人质。The group had shot dead another hostage.该组织又开枪打死了一名人质。The hostage's wrists had red rings on them where the ropes had been pulled tight.人质手腕上被绳子勒过的地方留下一道道红色印痕。One group claimed to have executed the American hostage.一个组织声称已经处决了那名美国人质。The class was held hostage by a hooded gunman.全班同学被一个蒙面的持枪歹徒劫为人质。Terrorists are holding the passengers hostage.恐怖分子扣押这些乘客当人质。He momentarily confounded his critics by his cool handling of the hostage crisis.他对人质危机的冷静处理一时让批评他的人惊讶不已。The FBI's renowned hostage rescue team was suited up and ready to go.联邦调查局大名鼎鼎的人质救援队已经整装待发。They were held hostage for several days.他们被扣为人质已有几日。The reporter talked person-to-person with the hostage.记者和人质面对面进行了交谈。Guerrilla fighters seized the hospital yesterday, taking patients and staff hostage, although several dozen were later released.昨天游击队员占领了那家医院,将病人和医务人员扣为人质,然而后来有几十名人质被释放。He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner.必须把他当成高级人质来对待,而不能像对待普通囚犯那样。There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage.有关人质身份的报道相互矛盾。The latest news has raised hopes that another Western hostage might soon be released.最新的消息燃起了人们的希望—又一名西方人质可能很快就会获释了。On one matter dear to the electorate's heart, all three parties are mute. None will give any hostage to fortune on taxation.在选民都十分关心的一件事上,三个政党都保持沉默,都不愿在税收问题上担风险。Four other US citizens are being held hostage by guerrillas in Colombia.另有四名美国公民被哥伦比亚境内的游击队扣作人质。The hostage crisis underlined an embarrassing problem that the government faces.人质危机使政府面临的困窘问题更为突出。The government of Jordan showed considerable resilience in this hostage crisis.约旦政府在这次人质危机中展现出相当的弹性。The government will be a hostage to the whims of the international oil price.政府将因国际油价波动而受掣肘。The government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.政府正在敦促早日解决人质危机。He rebuked the President for trying to make political capital out of the hostage situation.他指责总统企图利用人质事件捞取政治资本。The hostage managed to escape death. 人质得以死里逃生。The passengers were taken hostage.那些乘客被劫持为人质。The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.想想人质曾遭受的折磨,获救后其身体状况已经是出奇地好了。The FBI's renowned hostage rescue team was suited up and ready to go.美国联邦调查局威名远扬的人质救援小组整装待命。The highjackers held two women hostage.劫机者扣留两名妇女作人质。The hostage had terrible scars on his back where he had been whipped.人质背上被鞭子抽过的地方伤痕累累。The reporting of the hostage story was fair, if sometimes overblown.尽管这篇关于人质的报道有些夸大其词,但还算公正。Somebody is holding your wife hostage.有人挟持了你妻子作为人质。




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