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词汇 hostel
例句 The hostel requires full payment in advance.这家青年旅舍要求全额预付。The youth hostel is close to the station.这家青年旅社距离车站很近。We were fixed up for the night in a hostel.我们被安顿在一家招待所过夜。He ran away from home and lived rough on the streets until the police helped him get into a hostel.他离家出走,露宿街头,直到警察把他送进一家收容所。We stayed at a youth hostel in Perugia.我们住在佩鲁贾的一处青年旅舍。The hostel is a paradise compared with the camp.与营地相比,招待所是个天堂。He lives in a hostel for the homeless.他住在一家流浪者收容所里。He was sent to a bail hostel until the case came to court.他被送到保释招待所直到该案开庭。We're collecting money to build a hostel for homeless people - would you like to make a donation?我们在募集资金为无家可归者建一个收容所,你愿意捐款吗?The hostel has separate sleeping areas for each sex.招待所里有分开的男女住宿区。We stayed at a student hostel during the conference.会议期间我们住在一处学生公寓里。The hostel is specially equipped for wheelchair access.这家旅馆特别设有轮椅通道。The hostel provides the essentials but nothing beyond. 青年旅社只提供必需品,其他的就没有了。The hostel was packed to the rafters.青年旅舍已经爆满。This hostel helps runaways who don't want to go back to their families.这家收容所收容离家出走后不愿返家的孩子。He lives in a hostel attached to his place of work.他住在和办公地建在一起的一个招待所里。He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.他曾在当地的残疾人救助站当过义工。He works in a hostel for the mentally ill.他在一家精神病人收容所工作。Due to shortage of money, we had to stay in a hostel.因为资金不足,我们只好住青年旅馆。Erica runs a hostel for women who have been abused by their husbands.埃丽卡管理一家为受丈夫虐待的女性提供服务的旅舍。The hostel caters for single people who are unable to find affordable accommodation.青年旅舍为无法找到廉价住宿的单身者提供服务。The old hospital in London Road now serves as a hostel for the homeless.伦敦路上的那家旧医院现已用作无家可归者收容所。She runs a downtown hostel for backpackers - the cost only $5 a night.她在市中心开了一家专门招待背包旅行者的招待所,才五美元一晚。Most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.住在招待所的人大多更喜欢单人间,而不想和别人共住一间。Mr Burns has actively campaigned against a hostel being set up here.伯恩斯先生积极奔走,反对正在这里建造的青年旅社。Staff at the hostel were accused of neglecting and abusing children in their care.收容所里的工作人员被指责忽视并虐待他们看管的孩子。He'd been working at the local hostel on a voluntary basis.他曾在当地的旅馆当过义工。We stayed at a cheap hostel in the centre of Prague.我们住在布拉格市中心一家便宜的旅舍里。




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