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He just laughed and shrugged it off.他只是一笑了之,对此满不在乎。This is a mistake that can't easily be laughed off.这个错误不能简单地一笑了之。Knox laughed off rumors that he would be running for mayor.传言说自己要竞选市长,诺克斯对此一笑了之。I tried to make a joke of the incident.我试着对这件事一笑了之。I had to smile at his silly comments.对于他的愚蠢评论,我只能一笑了之。Humor is often more than a laughing matter.幽默常常不只是一笑了之的事。There's no point in getting upset about what he said - you just have to laugh it off.犯不着为这些话感到难过——你只需一笑了之。They just laughed off the rumours that they are getting married.对于他们要结婚的传言他们只是一笑了之。He tried to make a joke of the fact that he hadn't passed the test.他没有通过考试,他试图对此一笑了之。 |