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词汇 strange
例句 Her words conjured up a strange picture in her mind.她的话在她脑海中勾勒出一幅奇特的画面。It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.这些陌生的新增业务会损害乃至葬送整个公司。Marla has some strange ideas about raising children.玛拉对于如何抚养孩子有一些奇怪的想法。A strange quiet pervaded the city.城里充满一种异常的平静。A strange person is asking to see you.有个陌生人想见你。The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.这些奇特生物的存在本身就使他着迷。She's taken up with a strange crowd of people.她开始与一帮古怪的人来往。By a strange coincidence, we were both staying at the same hotel.出于奇特的巧合,我们俩都住在同一家宾馆。Jack's in a strange mood - I wonder what's eating him?杰克今天脾气怪怪的,什么事儿让他那么烦啊?Rugby and art seem strange bedfellows.把橄榄球和艺术联系在一起显得很奇怪。She felt a strange mixture of excitement and fear.她有一种既兴奋又害怕的奇怪感觉。If Pearson's request seems passing strange to some, it seems nothing of the sort to Musgrave.皮尔逊的要求在一些人看来可能极其奇怪,但对马斯格雷夫而言似乎并非如此。I felt so strange on the steroid injections. I was as high as a kite some of the time.注射类固醇后我感觉很奇特。我有时会极度兴奋。Politics have a strange chemistry here.政治在这里起了一个不可思议的作用。By a strange coincidence the king was assassinated on the very spot where his grandfather had been killed.巧得出奇,国王是在他祖父被害的地方遭人暗杀的。It's very strange that you haven't heard from him.奇怪的是你没有收到他的信。It felt strange to be back in Dublin.重回都柏林我感到有点不自在。I've always had this strange fascination with the circus.我对马戏表演总是有一种奇特的兴趣。I haven't yet settled in in my new job; I still find it all rather strange.我还没有习惯于我的新工作,我觉得一切都还很陌生。There were one or two strange-looking characters hanging around the bar.有一两个样子奇怪的人在酒吧里转来转去。Her thoughts circled darkly round Bernard's strange behaviour.她为伯纳德的古怪举动忧心忡忡。How strange that something so simple as a walk on the beach could suddenly mean so much.诸如在沙滩散步这样的小事会突然变得如此重要,真是令人感到不可思议。It seems strange that such a major event should pass almost unnoticed by the local press.如此重要的事件当地媒体几乎没有报道,似乎有些古怪。After twenty years, seeing him again felt very strange.二十年后再见到他有种很不自在的感觉。That was a strange decision. What was their rationale?那是个奇怪的决定。他们的根据是什么?She's had many strange things happen to her recently. = She's been having a lot of strange things happen to her recently.最近她经历了许多怪事。Behind all the strange and peculiar ways lurked a man of thought.尽管他的行为希奇古怪,他可是个有头脑的人。It seemed a strange question; I wondered if I had misheard.这好像是一个奇怪的问题; 我怀疑自己是不是听错了。There was a really strange man standing next to me at the train station.在车站有一个很古怪的男人站在我旁边。They were brought together by a strange twist of fate.神奇的命运转折将他们推到了一起。There may be a physical explanation for these strange happenings.这些奇怪现象也许有符合自然法则的解释。He was a very strange and sheepish boy.他是个非常奇怪且温顺的男孩。Is there a reason for your strange behavior?你行为古怪,有理由吗?His method sounds pretty strange, but he swears by it.他的方法听起来很奇怪,但他却说这很管用。I can remember the strange feelings I had when I was a kid.我能记起孩提时曾有的那些奇怪的感觉。What a very strange man he is.他真是个非常古怪的人。The eccentricity of this very strange old gentleman had become the nucleus for a thousand fantastic stories.这位怪老人的奇癖已成为无数荒诞故事的中心内容。There was something strange about the flickering blue light.闪烁的蓝光有点怪异。We live in strange times indeed.我们确实生活在不可思议的时代。




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