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词汇 stranded
例句 This decision left us stranded.这一决定使我们无可奈何。We heaved him onto the bank and he lay there gasping like a stranded fish.我们把他拖到岸边,他躺在那里,像条搁浅的鱼一样大口喘气。The boat stranded on the rocks and the boatman had to sustain himself with live fish before rescue came.船在岩石上搁浅,船夫在遇救前只好靠活鱼维持生命。They remain stranded in freezing weather and rapidly worsening conditions.他们仍然受困于严寒的天气和迅速恶化的环境。If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these rocks.如果涨潮的话,我们就会被困在这些礁石上。The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.罢工导致部分轮渡停运,数百名旅客滞留码头。The carriage at the end of the train was left stranded when the coupling broke.车钩断裂后火车尾部的客车厢被孤零零地抛在后面。We got stranded on the island after we missed the last boat.我们错过了最后一班船,被困在了岛上。He was terrified at the thought of being stranded in the woods.一想到被困在树林里,他就感到恐惧。We have to help her – we can't very well just leave her stranded out here in the middle of nowhere.我们得帮助她,我们不能就让她在那个前不着村后不着店的地方陷入困境。The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.倒霉的乘客在机场滞留了三天。Thousands of asylum seekers are stranded in a bureaucratic limbo.成千上万的寻求避难者被官僚主义搁置起来。They were stranded on a deserted island.他们被困在了一座荒岛上。There we were, stranded in the middle of nowhere with no money between the pair of us.当时,我们两个身无分文,一筹莫展。The tide comes in very quickly here and you can soon find yourself stranded.这儿的潮水涨得很快,马上你就会发现自己被困住了。The rescue team reached the stranded hikers this morning. 救援队今天上午赶到了徒步旅行者被困的地点。Thousands of air passengers were left stranded by the strike.罢工使得数千名航空旅客滞留。Hundreds of people remain stranded at railway stations.上百人一直被困在火车站。It is stranded somewhat forlornly in the middle of the plain.它有些孤零零地立在平原中央。He was stranded in Paris.他身困巴黎,束手无策。Rescue services have been working around the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门在昼夜不停地解救被困的司机。The ship was stranded on the sandbank.船在沙洲搁浅了。Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.援助机构无法到达困在边境的数千难民那里。My car broke down, and I was left stranded by the side of the road.我的车子抛锚了,我被困在路边。During the blackout, subway riders were stranded and unable to get home.断电期间,地铁乘客被困不能回家。After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads.洪水退去后,数以百计滞留的车辆在路上排列成行。Whales occasionally swim too close to shore and become stranded in the shallow water.鲸有时游到离岸太近的地方在浅水区搁浅。A ship was stranded on the rocks.一条船搁浅在礁石上。Her flight was canceled, so she was left stranded at the airport.航班取消了,她被滞留在机场。Several whales were stranded on the beaches.有几头鲸被搁浅在沙滩上。The stranded motorist called on his citizens band radio for help.受困的驾车旅行者用民用波段无线电呼救。His car broke down, and he was stranded in the middle of nowhere.车抛锚了,他被困在了一个偏僻的地方。She was stranded in a foreign city with no money.她身无分文地被困在一个国外的城市。I was left stranded penniless in a strange city.我流落在一个陌生的城市里,身无分文,一筹莫展。The climbers had been stranded by a storm.登山者被暴风雨困住了。Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门一直在日夜不停地工作,解救被困司机。Thousands of passengers were stranded last night at Heathrow airport.数千乘客昨天晚上滞留希思罗机场。I just lay there like a stranded whale.我就像头搁浅的鲸一样一动不动地躺在那儿。Some people found themselves stranded in the elevator as the power failed yet again.又一次断电的时候,有些人发现自己被困在了电梯里。The receding tide stranded the whale.退潮把鲸鱼搁浅在海滩上。




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