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词汇 strands
例句 The police are slowly putting the strands of evidence together.警方正慢慢地把证据的各条线索串联起来。There are many different strands within feminist thought.女权主义思想包含了许多不同的方面。Work with two strands of thread in cross stitch.用两股线以十字针法缝制。The fence consisted of two slack strands of barbed wire.围栏由两股带刺铁丝松散地扎成。The reader's job is to unravel the strands of the mystery.读者要做的就是把这个神秘事物的各个方面弄清楚。The sari had gold strands threaded through the material.这件莎丽的布料间穿上了金线。The book documents the rise of the political right with its accompanying strands of nationalism and racism.这本书记载了政治权利的提高,以及随之而来的民族主义和种族主义倾向。The twisted strands of the rope were gently teased apart.缠在一起的绳索被轻轻地挑开了。He talked slowly so that he could be sure to intermesh all the strands of the plan.他讲得慢,这样他可以确保把计划的各个组成部分脉络分明地连成一体。He began to feed in the spaghetti, carefully separating the strands.他开始放入意大利面,小心翼翼地将面一根根分开。All the strands of the story's plot are woven together in the final chapter.故事的所有线索在最后一章交织在一起。There had been two strands to his tactics.他的策略分两个部分。At the end, all the different strands of the story are brought together.最后,小说的所有不同线索汇合到了一起。Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.柏拉图把各个论点归结到一起。They ran a campaign that drew together these various strands.他们通过开展运动把各种派别团结在一起。His financial plight is only one of several strands in his present difficulties.他的经济窘迫只不过是他目前好些困难中的一部分而已。The different strands knotted easily.不同的绳索很容易缠结在一起。The strands were twisted together.线缠在了一起。These strands of molecules twine around each other to form cable-like structures.这些分子链彼此缠绕,形成缆线状的结构。He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.他正试图把各种激进的哲学思想综合在一起。The strands of rubber were drawn to test their strength.橡皮条被拉紧以试验强度。There are so many different strands to the plot that it's hard to follow.故事情节头绪纷乱,很难搞清楚。There are various strands in feminist thinking.女权主义思想有多个不同的派别。Blond strands of hair whipped in the wind.缕缕金发在风中飘扬。




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