例句 |
The cost of new housing has been exploding.新住房的费用一直在暴涨。There was the constant thud of bombs exploding in the distance.远处不住传来嘭嘭的炸弹爆炸声。He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.他是如此暴躁并且易激动,就像一瓶突然喷射的苏打水。Bombs were exploding all over the city.炸弹在城里各处爆炸。Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.中子弹爆炸并不产生强热气流,而是释放致命的辐射。My heart was nearly exploding in fright.我非常恐惧,心脏几乎要炸开了。I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning.我一直在致力于推翻有关意义恒定性的谬谈。She could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.她能听到远处放焰火的声音。 |