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词汇 exploiting
例句 I think we're being very short sighted in not exploiting our own coal.我认为不开采我们自己的煤是非常短视的做法。Native American tribes migrated to the region, exploiting the fertility of the soil.北美土著部落迁徙到这个地区,开发这片肥沃的土壤。The new TV companies are fully exploiting the potential of satellite transmission.新创立的电视公司在充分利用卫星传输的潜力。He is accused of exploiting child labor.他被指控剥削童工。They were accused of exploiting migrant workers.他们被指控剥削外来工人。Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees.法律规定禁止公司剥削其员工。Some people try to gain advantage by exploiting their personal contacts.一些人试图利用他们的个人关系来谋利。The big banks have been accused of exploiting small firms.大型银行被指责剥削小企业。The armoured forces will be exploiting a breakthrough and rapidly overrunning the enemy seaboard.装甲部队将利用一次突破,向敌方的沿海地区长驱直入。The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.暴力事件归咎于暴徒利用了这一局面。Commercial interests were cynically exploiting property owners' concerns.商业利益集团趁机大肆利用产权人担心的种种问题。He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.他指责一些主要政党从这一局势中牟取私利。Professional and local jealousies are preventing councils from exploiting the benefits of collaboration.行业和地方给予的保护将阻止地方议会攫取合作带来的利益。The union accused the company of exploiting its workers.工会指责公司剥削工人。She is exploiting the current situation for her own ends.她正利用目前局势来实现自己的目的。Her accountant was good at exploiting tax loopholes.她的会计善于钻税收漏洞。We're being very short-sighted in not exploiting our own coal.我们一直目光短浅,没有开发自己的煤矿。Advertisers were accused of exploiting consumers' credulity.广告商被指责利用了客户对他们的轻信。Measure are being taken to stop employment agencies exploiting foreign workers desperate to find a job.正在采取措施阻止职业介绍所剥削急着找工作的外国劳工。The company has been successful in exploiting new technology to the full.这家公司在充分利用新技术方面很成功。He pursued his own interests, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee.他无所顾忌地利用自己作为受托人的特权地位追逐私利。She's a past master at exploiting other people.她很会利用别人。His admirers claim that he came to power perfectly legally, but the fact remains that he did so by exploiting an illegal situation.他的崇拜者称他的上台是完全合法的,但必须承认,他是利用了一次非法事件上台的。They are exploiting the oil under the sea.他们在开发海底石油。As soon as the opportunity arose, he was quick off the mark in exploiting it.机会一出现,他马上就抓住了。




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