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词汇 exploits
例句 The exploits of Robin Hood have been treated in poems and stories.罗宾汉的侠义业绩在诗歌和小说中均有描述。Young people might be provoked into imitative crime by the exploits they see on TV.年轻人可能因对电视上看到的英雄行为进行模仿而导致犯罪。The children loved to hear their father tell stories of his wartime exploits.孩子们喜欢听父亲讲他立战功的故事。Each man was trying to outdo the other in boasts of his wartime exploits.每个男人都试图把自己在战争时期的事迹吹嘘得比别人更英勇。Bailey regaled the customers with tales of our exploits.贝利把我们的事迹讲给顾客听,逗他们开心。Her exploits have been getting a lot of ink lately. 近来,报纸上对她的功绩有很多报道。His modest wartime exploits have been inflated to heroic proportions.他在战争期间的功绩平平,却被吹捧到大智大勇的程度。She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.她跟我讲述了她在非洲各地旅游时的奇遇。He was always bragging about his sexual exploits.他总是吹嘘他的风流韵事。He enjoys talking about his youthful exploits. 他喜欢谈论他年轻时的壮举。Daly is infamous for his gambling and drinking exploits.戴利因赌博和酗酒而声名狼藉。We were spellbound listening to his exploits at sea.我们听他谈海上的英勇业绩都入了迷。Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄业绩将被载入史册。Some of his amorous exploits have passed into legend.他的一些风流轶事已经成了传奇。He began to tell of the fighters' heroic exploits.他开始讲述战士们的英雄事迹。Powell's exploits on the Colorado River made him a hero of the old West.鲍威尔在科罗拉多河上的壮举使他成了荒蛮西部的英雄。His courage and exploits were legendary.他的无畏与英勇事迹是出了名的。This is not the first time his exploits have landed him in trouble.他的功绩给他带来麻烦已不是第一次了。America's wealth is underpinned by a global system which exploits the world's poor.美国的财富是靠剥削全世界穷人这个生财之道支撑起来的。The daring of his exploits had been greatly magnified by constant telling.他的英勇事迹几经传颂已被极度夸大了。Her amazing exploits include walking across Antarctica.她的惊人事迹包括徒步穿越南极洲。His wartime exploits were later made into a film.他在战争中的英勇行为后来被改编成一部电影。He had even locked away all the videos of his previous exploits.他甚至将记录他以前伟绩的录像带通通锁起来了。The next day his exploits were splashed across the front page.第二天他的英勇事迹便浓墨重彩地在头版刊登了出来。He performed many daring exploits.他曾有许多大胆之举。He's unfussy about which grievances he exploits.他对自己加以利用的是哪种不满情绪并不是特别在意。




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