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词汇 一回合
例句 Gibson's left eye is completely closed before the end of round one.在第一回合结束前,吉布森的左眼完全闭上了。He was knocked cold in the first round.他在第一回合就被击倒。The challenger stuck with the champion until the very last round.挑战者与冠军僵持到最后一回合Johnson sprung a surprise by winning the first round.约翰逊爆出了冷门,第一回合就赢了。United are hoping to overturn a two-goal deficit from the first leg.联队希望能扭转第一回合落后两球的局面。O'Malley downed his opponent in the first round.奥马利第一回合就把对手击倒。Arsenal meet Liverpool in the next round of the Cup.阿森纳队在总杯赛下一回合对阵利物浦队。The round ended when the bell sounded.终场铃声响起来,这一回合就结束了。He was floored in the first round of the fight.拳击比赛第一回合他就被击倒了。Louis knocked out his opponent in the first round.路易斯在第一回合把对手击昏了。




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