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词汇 breaking
例句 The delegates decided to go on with the meeting instead of breaking off for lunch.代表们决定午餐时间不休息,继续他们的会议。He manufactured an alibi about his car breaking down.他编了一个汽车抛锚的借口。If you see others breaking the law with impunity, you may be tempted to do the same.如果你看到别人违反法律却不受惩罚,你可能会受到诱惑去干同样的事。He shamefacedly apologized for breaking the window.他因打破窗户而羞愧地道了歉。He sincerely apologized for breaking the vase.他为打碎花瓶的事诚恳地道了歉。They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original shape and goes back to it.这些物件受到冲击会翘曲变形而不折断,但是这种材料会凭记忆恢复原来形状。The system is being pushed to breaking point.过大的负载使系统崩溃。Shake the snow off the branches to prevent them from breaking.摇掉树枝上的雪以防树枝折断。The soldier was disciplined for breaking ranks.这名士兵由于破坏了队形而受到惩罚。The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.该候选人还未上任就遭指责违背诺言。Any student caught breaking the school rules was immediately sent to the Principal.学生一旦被发现违反校规立刻被送到校长那里。Without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.她既没有停下来喘口气,也没有放慢脚步,而是径直推开了他的私人办公室的门。This novel is invertebrate, breaking sharply in the middle into two books.这部小说结构松散,在一半的地方截然分成了两本书。The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he's in office.该候选人还未上任就遭指责违背承诺。The athlete was within an inch of breaking the record.那个运动员差点儿打破记录。She's quite new to the job so we're still breaking her in.她才做这份工作不久,所以我们还在带着她熟悉业务。The phone rang, breaking my train of thought.电话铃响了,打断了我的思路。The situation has reached breaking point.局势一触即发。The negotiations were very near to breaking down.谈判几近破裂。This ground-breaking work is shrouded in secrecy on the instruction of the company's lawyers.在公司律师的指示下,这项突破性的研究被保密了起来。He was caught in the school at night and has been charged with breaking and entering.晚上他在学校被人抓住,并被控以破门侵入的罪名。She had a lingering sense of guilt for some time after breaking off her relationship with Henry.她与亨利分手以后,有段时间有一种内疚感,一直挥之不去。Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.任何犯规的人都要立即离场。What is the breaking strain of this cable?这缆索的致断应力为多少?He's under suspension for breaking the rules.他因违反规定被暂时停职。Dawn was breaking over the valley.黎明降临山谷。I can't imagine ever breaking up with my wife.我想象不出我哪一天会和妻子分手。There are tangible signs that the republic's successfully breaking its bonds with Moscow.有明显迹象表明该共和国成功地断绝了与莫斯科的密切联系。As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。There is wild talk of her breaking the world record soon.有人信口胡说她不久就会打破世界纪录。Witnesses reported gangs of marauding soldiers breaking into people's houses and setting fire to them.目击者称成群结队的匪兵闯入民宅并纵火焚毁房屋。I admitted breaking the window.我承认打破了窗子。Analysts fear the overstretched air traffic control system could reach breaking point.分析人士担心超负荷运转的空中交通管制系统会面临崩溃。There were huge waves breaking over the bows.巨浪拍打着船头。The album sees them reliving past glories but not really breaking any new ground.这张专辑使他们重温了昔日的辉煌,但实际上没有任何新的突破。The overstretched air-traffic-control system could reach breaking point.超负荷运转的空中交通管制系统会面临崩溃。He was near to breaking point.他几近崩溃。They saw the breaking of the storm as a providential blessing on their mission.他们把暴风雨的骤止看作是上帝对他们使命的赐福。He has been under a cloud since reportedly breaking a blood vessel at Ascot.自从据说在阿斯科特马赛上大动肝火后,他就一直郁郁寡欢。If you fail to buy a ticket before you get on the train, you are breaking the law.如果你不买票就上车,就已经违法了。




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