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词汇 break from
例句 A group of prisoners made a break from the jail a few years back.几年前一群犯人越狱逃跑了。Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。After a two year break from baseball, he's finally back in action. 离开棒球运动两年之后,他终于又回到了赛场上。Her younger students were excited to break from the monotony of the teacher's voice and get involved.她那些年幼的学生都很兴奋,因为他们自己也能参与进来,而不再是单听老师以单调的声音宣讲。The cast took a break from their gruelling schedule.演员们在累人的工作日程中忙里偷闲,休息了一会儿。The Prime Minister is pictured taking a break from the hard grind of political life.有人拍到了首相放下繁重的政务在休假的照片。Phil was taking a break from work, reading the paper and smoking a cigarette.菲尔正在工间休息,边看报纸边抽烟。I spoke to the Secretary of State as he took a break from preparing his speech.趁国务卿准备发言的间歇,我和他讲了话。If you totalled up all the minutes of wasted thoughts throughout the day there would be plenty of time to take adequate and conscious breaks from the keyboard.如果你把整天胡思乱想浪费的每一分钟加起来,就会有充足的时间离开电脑,好好休息一下。She's had a two-year break from competitive running, but now she's staging a comeback.她已经两年没参加竞技性赛跑了,但现在她正准备复出。They were determined to break from precedent.他们决心打破先例。She wanted to make a clean break from her mother and father.她想和父母一刀两断。I wanted a break from university life.我想暂时从大学里休学。I need to take occasional breaks from work.我有时要停下工作休息片刻。After finishing school, Craig felt he needed a break from studying.毕业后,克雷格认为自己需要休息一下再去深造。I need a break from the daily grind.我需要告别每日单调的工作,休息一下。The meeting was a welcome break from routine. 这次会议打破了以往的枯燥乏味。He took a break from painting to eat lunch, then started in again.他作画中途吃午饭休息了一会儿。之后,又开始画起来。I took a break from the discussion to allow my anger to cool.我暂时停下了讨论,让自己的怒气消散一些。




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