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例句 Our program will pause now for a brief commercial announcement. 我们先插播一则广告,节目稍后继续。Well, for one thing, I'm not tall enough to play basketball.这个嘛,一则我打篮球个儿不够高。They put a notice in the press ordering the recall of all the baby food that might have been contaminated.他们在报上登了一则通知,下令收回所有可能受到污染的婴儿食物。There has been a very one-sided account of her problems with Ted.关于她与特德的问题,有一则非常片面的报道。I have another piece of news for you.我还有一则消息要告诉你。He placed/put a personal ad in The Times.他在《泰晤士报》上登了一则征婚启事。Mary's family were so pleased that they put an announcement in the local paper to thank them.玛丽的家人很高兴,就在当地的报纸上登了一则启事来感谢他们。Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.帕里什小姐最近在当地报纸上刊登了一则广告。That was another myth swallowed whole by the Western media.那又是一则被西方传媒不加分辨照单全收的骗人鬼话。She felt the excitement of a journalist on the track of a good story.她感到了作为记者追踪报道一则好新闻的兴奋劲儿。He introduced his speech with an anecdote.他说了一则轶闻作为演讲的引子。We put a notice on the side of the box.我们在盒子的侧面贴了一则告示。In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.一则广告中,观众几乎看不到车的外观。It was an excerpt from an ad for a nanny.这是从一则保姆招聘广告上摘引的文字。She saw an advertisement for a ski vacation in Vermont.她看到一则去佛蒙特州滑雪度假的广告。A pop-up ad appeared on the screen.一则弹出广告出现在屏幕上。I saw an interesting ad not long ago for a new car.我最近看到一则有趣的新车广告。A South African television report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern.南非一则电视新闻报道称,那艘船从头到尾都着了火。She dropped a bombshell when she said she wouldn't run for reelection.她公布了一则令人震惊的消息,说她不会参加连任竞选。There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children.一则关于饥饿儿童的令人心碎的新闻报导。I was tapping out a news report on my typewriter when the doorbell rang.我正在用打字机打一则新闻报导,突然门铃响了。The Daily Gazette ran a story under the headline 'Pope's Last Words'.《每日新闻》刊登了一则题为《教皇的临终遗言》的报道。Simon got the job by answering an advert in the paper.西蒙通过应征报纸上的一则广告找到了工作。His eye lit on a story in the newspaper.他偶然在报纸上看到一则报道。He carved an inscription on a bench.他将一则题字刻在长凳上。Our next report contains images that some viewers might find upsetting.我们下一则报道出现的画面可能会令一些观众感到不安。He illustrated his point with an anecdote.他用一则趣闻来诠释自己的观点。She answered an advert for a job as a cook.她看到一则招聘厨师的广告后写信应征。We interrupt this program to bring you a special announcement.我们暂停这个节目,为您插播一则特别通告。I heard an interesting snippet on the radio this morning.今天早上我从广播里听到了一则有趣的新闻。We're going over to the White House for an important announcement.我们把镜头切换到白宫宣布一则重要消息。The screen flashes a message: Try again.屏幕上显示一则消息:再试一次。The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.应答器发出哔哔声,我留下了一则口信。I saw an advert for some cheap furniture in our local paper.我在我们本地的报纸上看到一则便宜家具的广告。I will exemplify my point with a story.我将用一则故事来说明我的观点。There's an item about the robbery on page seven.第七版上有一则关于这次抢劫的新闻。He made an announcement over/on the loudspeaker. = He made an announcement using the loudspeaker.他通过喇叭发布了一则通告。It is a one-sidedly negative account of modern agriculture.这是一则对现代农业片面而消极的报道。He has earned a reputation as the man who can close a show with a bad review.他因可以用一则恶评毙掉一场演出而闻名。There was an item on the news about him.新闻报道中有一则关于他的消息。




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