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词汇 一个角
例句 See if you can poke one corner through, and I'll pull it from the other side.看看你能不能把一个角伸过去,我从另外一头把它拉出来。She was offered a part in a play.她应邀出演剧中一个角色。The vertical line makes an angle with the horizontal line.垂直线和水平线形成一个角James blocked the shot but conceded a corner.詹姆斯挡住了一记射门,但给了对方一个角球。You never know, he might offer you a part in his film.说不定他有可能在他的影片中给你提供一个角色。I got a call from the casting director asking me to do a part.我接到了选角导演的电话要我出演一个角色。He became a sort of general factotum for the band.他成为相当于这一品牌的事务总监这样一个角色。Can't you see she is panting for a part in the new play?你难道看不出她渴望在新戏中扮演一个角色吗? Bill's just landed himself a part in a Broadway show.比尔刚在百老汇演出中谋到了一个角色。She reminds you of a character from Dickens.她让人想起狄更斯笔下的一个角色。After an audition, he was offered a part in the play.试演之后,他被分配担任剧中的一个角色。His playing such a role is really self-deprecating.他扮演这样一个角色实在是自贬身价。He folded down the corner of his page.他将他正在看的那一书页折一个角He managed to force a corner.他设法逼出了一个角球。Alf offered her a part in the play he was directing.阿尔夫在他导演的戏中给她安排了一个角色。Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,于是戏里专门为她加写了一个角色。She eventually talked her way into a part in a film.她力陈理由终于在一部影片中担任一个角色。Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part.这是一个角色任她挑选的女演员。




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