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词汇 一个星期
例句 Her baby is overdue by one week. 预产期已经过了一个星期,她的宝宝还没出生。She hadn't called for a week and I was getting miffed.她有一个星期没打电话了,我有些生气。I've been waiting all week to see her.整整一个星期,我一直在等着见她。After running the marathon, his body ached for a week.跑完马拉松之后,他浑身疼了一个星期A week ago, she'd have laughed herself stupid at the idea.一个星期以前,这个主意肯定会让她笑傻的。We spent a week tramping the streets of San Francisco, looking for movie locations.我们花了一个星期时间在旧金山的街道上四处奔走,寻找拍摄电影的外景地。It was a Sunday, about three o'clock, and the streets were quiet.那是一个星期天,三点钟左右,街道一片寂静。The girl became homesick after a week's stay at her aunt's.女孩在姑妈家住了一个星期就想家了。The children are spending a week at a summer camp.孩子们将在夏令营过一个星期After a week in bed I felt strong enough to try walking a few steps.卧床一个星期之后,我感到有力气能试着走几步路了。We had a party the week before last.我们前一个星期有一个聚会。This event is staged annually, in the last week of September.该活动于每年九月的最后一个星期举办。Pneumonia put him in the hospital for a week.肺炎让他住院一个星期I was stuck there for a week by bad weather.由于天气不好我只得在那里呆了一个星期One Thursday afternoon he got seriously injured in an accident.一个星期四下午,他在事故中受了重伤。After less than a week away, he began to have feelings of homesickness.他离家不到一个星期,就开始有想家的感觉了。Thousands of letters a week were landing on his desk.一个星期有几千封信堆放到他桌上。I was having such a good time in Paris that I phoned my mother to say I was staying another week.我在巴黎过得非常开心,所以我打电话给母亲说我还要待一个星期The mountain village was snowed in for a whole week after the blizzard.那场暴风雪之后这个山村被雪困了整整一个星期So we leave on the Thursday and get back the next Tuesday, is that right?这么说,我们星期四出发,下一个星期二回来,对吗?He was a terrible dancer and was booted off the show after the first week. 他跳舞跳得遭透了,第一个星期以后就被踢出了演出团队。Our children attend the group twice a week to learn about Sikhism.我们的孩子一个星期参加两次这个小组,学习锡克教方面的知识。He was so depressed, he took to his bed for a week.他意志十分消沉,在床上躺了一个星期I don't mind giving up a couple of hours a week to deal with correspondence.我不介意一个星期腾出几个小时来处理信件。I spent a week at Kandersteg and could happily have lingered on.我在坎德斯泰格逗留了一个星期,本来还可以开开心心地呆下去。In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.在元月的第一个星期,成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食。My library books are a week overdue.我借图书馆的书过期一个星期了。I was laid up for a week with flu.我得流感卧床了一个星期I missed a week of class and fell way behind.我耽误了一个星期的课,远远落后了。On a Sunday morning traffic was almost nonexistent.一个星期天的早晨,几乎没有车辆行人。He read the whole shelf in a week.一个星期之内把这整个架子上的书都看了。A week before the ceremony, wedding preparations began.婚礼前一个星期,筹备工作就开始了。Beef and lamb are hung in a cold store for at least a week.牛肉和羊肉至少要在冷藏库里挂一个星期You must leave. Take a week's notice.给你一个星期,你必须离开。He boggled through another week without getting anything accomplished.他笨手笨脚地又干了一个星期,仍然一事无成。It's been a very quiet week for me.对我来说,这是很平静的一个星期He managed to stay alive for a week without any food.他竟然在没有任何食物的情况下活了一个星期If none of you guys fesses up, you're all grounded for a week.如果你们谁都不说,就罚你们一个星期不准外出。He had waited about a week after signing the contract before he banked the cheque.签订合同后,他等了约一个星期才把支票存入银行。She'll be out for a week, so the rest of us will have to cover for her.她要离开一个星期,这样我们大家就得替她的班。




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