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词汇 strictest
例句 It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.严格说来,这并不是真正的和平,只是没有战争罢了。Your personal information will be kept in strict/strictest confidence. 你的个人信息将严格保密。All your replies will be treated in the strictest confidence.你的所有回复被会被严格保密的。I trust you will treat what I say in the strictest confidence.我相信你必会对我说的话绝对保密。We must practise the strictest frugality and economy.我们必须厉行俭省节约。Anything you tell us is in the strictest confidence.你告诉我们的任何事情都会绝对保密。Questions will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.将在最严格的保密条件下处理这些问题。I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence.我现在告诉你的这件事情必须绝对保密。She's one of the strictest judges in the state.她是这个州最严厉的法官之一。




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