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词汇 worth it
例句 It costs quite a lot to get in, but it's well worth it.入场要花不少钱,但这很值得。Forget him, he's not worth it.忘了他吧,他不值得。He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose.我想,他一定认为简值得他这么做,否则他不会在她身上浪费时间。It costs a little more but it's worth it.它有点贵,但物有所值。Don't lock the door; it isn't worth it.门别锁了,用不着。He broke my beans a little, but I think it was worth it.他使我稍有破费,不过我想这也划得来。Don't risk it. It isn't worth it.不要冒这个险。这样做不值得。I was up all night studying, but it was worth it - I aced my chemistry final.我熬了个通宵学习,倒是没有白费劲,化学期终考试我考得很好。Don't tire yourself out, Geri, it's really not worth it.格里,别把自己累坏了,那真的不值得。Having to depend on her father for financial support was just not worth it, Sylvia decided.依靠父亲资助根本不值得,西尔维娅是这么想的。I sometimes wonder if all this work is really worth it.有时我会怀疑所有这些工作是否真的值得。The World Trade Centre is a bit of a trek from Soho, but it's worth it.从苏豪区到世贸中心走起来是有点远,但还是值得的。He gave me so much hassle I decided it wasn't worth it.他让我烦不胜烦,我决定不费那个事了。It was worth it to see all those smiling faces.看到所有那些微笑的面庞,这么做是值得的。I had to sacrifice all of my free time to make this film, but in the end, it was all worth it.我不得不牺牲所有闲暇时间做这部电影,但最终还是很值得的。Get the car thoroughly checked by a professional. It may cost a bit of money but it's worth it, believe me.把汽车交给专业人员彻底检查,虽然要花点钱,但是值得,相信我没错。After the plastic surgery I had two black eyes and my face was very swollen. But I knew it would be worth it.整容手术之后,我双眼发青,而且肿得非常厉害。但我知道这是值得的。It will cost you a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.这将花掉你很多钱,但是值得。Don't take on too much work – the extra cash isn't worth it.不要太卖命了 — 多挣那点钱不值得。I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it.我在这艘船上花了很多金钱和时间,但都很值得。Getting my PhD took a lot of work, but it was worth it.拿博士学位耗费了我大量精力,但这是值得的。It was definitely a bit of a struggle, but on balance, I think it was worth it.这肯定有点困难,但是总的说来,我觉得是值得的。It's not worth it.这是不值得的。A private room costs a little more, but it's worth it.单人房可能会贵一些,但是值得。I took a significant pay cut when I took this job, but I think it was worth it.我拿到这份工作时,工资骤降,但我认为值得。There's a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not worth it.时间紧迫时你会很想走捷径,但这么做并不值得。It was a long climb to the top of the hill, but it was worth it for the view from the top.攀登到山顶要很长时间,但为了能看到山顶上的风景,这是值得的。It's not worth fixing the car. = It's not worth it to fix the car. = The car is not worth fixing.这辆车不值得修了。The repairs cost a lot of money, but they were worth it.这些维修花了很多钱,但是值得的。Forget him, sweetheart, - he's just not worth it.忘了他吧,亲爱的——他不值得你这样。Hire of a van costs a little more, but it is worth it.租用货车有点贵,但很值得。The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.每年要交的保险费可能有点高,但如果你的狗受了伤就会很值了。Don't get angry. It's not worth it.别生气,这不值得。They are expensive, but they are worth it.那些东西很贵,但划得来。His last piece does require some effort from the listener, but it's well worth it.他最后一首乐曲需要听众用心听,但这很值得。




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