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词汇 worries
例句 She was completely taken up with her own worries.她被自己的烦心事弄得焦头烂额。Her lost luggage was the least of her worries at the moment.丢失行李是她眼下最不担心的事情。No worries-there's plenty of time.不要担心 - 时间足够了。She has so many worries, she's sure to go under.她有那么多事得操心,身体非搞垮不可。These worries now receded from his mind.现在他的这些顾虑从头脑中消除了。His worries have lightened somewhat.他已经不那么忧虑了。Children pick up on our worries and anxieties.孩子们觉察得到我们的焦虑。It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her worries.她突然意识到失去公司或许是她最不担心的一件事。Now you can put all these worries behind you.现在你可以把这些烦恼全部撇在脑后了。What worries them, ultimately, is the cost of the scheme.从根本上说,他们担心的是该方案的费用。She went to the beach to relax and rid herself of all her worries.她去海滩放松一下,让自己忘却所有的烦恼。Whereas women externalize their worries, men internalize theirs.女性有担忧就表露出来,而男性会藏心事。There needn't be any more worries on that account.没有必要再为那事担心了。These worries kept her from sleeping properly.这些烦恼使她睡不好觉What worries me most is the possibility of complete failure.最让我忧虑的是可能会彻底失败。Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future.最近对总统健康状况的担忧引发了对其政治前途的猜测。Peter brushed aside worries about his injured knee.彼得顾不上担心自己受伤的膝盖。Put your worries on paper and make a plan of action.把你的担忧写下来,然后制订一个行动计划。Most of Nigel's worries proved groundless.奈杰尔的大部分担心被证明是毫无根据的。Sylvia tried to push her worries from her mind.西尔维亚力图排遣心头的烦恼事。These worries plagued him constantly.这些担忧不断地折磨着他。Listen to your child's worries and fears, however illogical they may seem.倾听孩子诉说自己的忧虑和恐惧,不管它是否合理。His wife said she had no worries about his health.他妻子说她并不担心他的健康。I'm still in the early days of my recovery and that worries me.我还处于恢复的早期阶段,这让我很担心。The make-up assistant worries away at Gabrielle's hair.化妆助理不断摆弄着加布丽埃勒的头发。That's my kind of holiday - no email, no phone, and no worries.那是我的度假方式——没有电子邮件,没有电话,也没有烦恼。Analysts believe that worries about the economy are overdone.分析家认为对经济的担忧有点过分。Patients suffering from depression are encouraged to laugh away their worries.鼓励抑郁症患者用笑驱除忧虑。There are worries on the shop floor about job security.基层工人非常担心自己的工作是否有保障。The staff all work very hard-we've no worries on that score.全体员工工作都非常卖力 - 我们对此不必担心。The apartment has a balcony and is on the first floor, so no security worries.公寓有个阳台而且位于二楼,所以不用担心安全问题。That's the least of my worries/problems. 那是我最不担心的事情/问题。The woman who became his wife would be acquiring not just a husband but a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.女人嫁给他,得到的不仅是一个丈夫,还会有一栋破烂的房子和一大堆经济问题。Privately, she worries about whether she's really good enough.她暗自担心自己是不是真的有那么好。Nothing worries me.我没有什么可担心的。Sterling took a battering yesterday as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.由于对英国经济状况的担忧在增长,英镑昨天遭受重创。She forgot her own worries in her concern for him.她因替他担心而忘了自己的烦心事。Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income.社会失衡比收入不公平更令他忧虑。He sank his worries in drink.他借酒浇愁。Some people glide effortlessly through life with no real worries.有些人一生过得轻松自在,无忧无虑。




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