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词汇 worm
例句 She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts.她从不放过任何博取公众欢心的机会。A hen was pecking a worm from the ground.一只母鸡正从地里啄虫子吃。Don't let any nonmembers worm in.不要让非会员混进来。How can I worm out of giving that report?我怎么能脱身不做那个报告?How did the thieves worm their way in?窃贼是怎么混进去的?It had a worm in its beak.它嘴里衔了个虫子。I didn't think that she would go on a date with that worm. 我认为她不会和那个讨厌鬼约会。You're no worm, you're a man; so get up, lad, and fight.你不是懦夫,你是一个男子汉;小伙子,爬起来,去搏斗。The shell parted and something akin to a giant white worm began to wiggle out.贝壳张开了,出现了一个巨大的白色肉虫模样的东西,开始向外蠕动。Now the worm turns, and his wife Elizabeth chucks him out and takes a lover herself.现在他妻子伊丽莎白被逼急了,把他撵了出去,自己找了个情人。He managed to worm into an important position in the government.他设法钻进政府窃据要职。He watched the worm inch along.他看著蠕虫慢慢往前爬。It's distressing enough to find a worm in your apple but finding half of one is worse.在苹果里发现一条虫子已经够让人厌恶了,如果发现半条就更糟了。The spies worm into important positions.奸细钻入,窃居要职。It seems the worm has turned - after years of silence local people are beginning to protest about waste emissions from the factory.看来老实人被逼急了也要反抗——经过多年的沉默之后,当地的人们开始抗议那家工厂的废物排放了。He always managed to worm his way out of doing the dishes.他总能想方设法躲掉洗碗的差事。Beth's trying to worm her way out of helping with the party.贝丝是想逃避,不想给聚会帮忙。I never use a single worm on the hook, preferring a cocktail of worm and maggot.我从不单用一只虫作钓饵,而喜欢用虫和蛆的混合物。He didn't want to tell me her name but I managed to worm it out of him.他不想把她的姓名告诉我,但我设法套问出来了。You should worm your dog twice a year.你应该每年给狗驱两次虫。Some investors believe that the worm has turned, and that the economy is getting better.一些投资者认为形势已经好转,经济正在复苏。The worm was wriggling on the hook.蠕虫在钩子上扭动。They attempt with baited questions to worm out his intentions.他们企图用诱惑性的问题来套出他的意图。The country was worm-eaten with domestic subversives.这个国家被国内的颠覆分子搞得千疮百孔。Ieventually managed to worm a few details out of him.我终于设法从他那里打听到一些详情。I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion.我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个样子很可笑,很不雅观。We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today.今天的生物实验课上,我们得解剖一条蚯蚓和一只青蛙。She was confident she could worm her way into their affections.她确信她能想办法逐渐博得他们的喜爱。He wasn't going to tell me, but I managed to worm it out of him.他不想告诉我,可我设法从他嘴里套出了这件事。He is trying to worm his partner out of the business.他在设法把合伙人排挤出公司。A miniature worm of train rolled tinily along the embankment.一列火车像条小虫似地沿着路堤徐徐前进。Interviewers attempted with baited questions to worm out his intentions.面试人员试图用巧妙的问题转弯抹角地探出他的意图。Crawling on the ground, from a worm's-eye view, he found that everything looked different.他在地上爬着,从低处向上看去觉得一切都显得不一样了。It took me weeks to worm the facts out of him.我用了几周的时间才从他那里打探出了真相。A grub looks like a short, fat worm.昆虫的幼虫看上去像一条又短又粗的软虫子。The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard.蛇蜥其实不是蛇,而是无脚的蜥蜴。He felt a worm of unease.他感到一阵忐忑不安。He baited the hook with a worm.他把一条虫放在钓钩上作饵。I worm all my birds in early spring.早春的时候我给我所有的鸟打虫。In this book, he looks at the organization with a worm's eye view.在本书中,他从底层的视角来看待这个组织。




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