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词汇 without so much as
例句 He stormed out of the room without so much as saying good night.他冲出房间,甚至连晚安都不说。She took the money without so much as a thank you.她拿走了钱,连声谢谢都没有说。He left without so much as a goodbye.他甚至没说一声再见就走了。He breezed past/by us without so much as a nod.他一阵风似的从我们身边飘然而过,头都没点一下。He marched into my office without so much as a by your leave.他未经同意就大模大样地走进我的办公室。They left without so much as saying goodbye.他们连再见都没有说就走了。That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off the shelf!他已经两次未经允许就走进来从书架上取书了!The room was small and dark, without so much as a ray of light to brighten the gloom.房间窄小昏暗,连一丝光线也没有。She left the room without so much as a backward glance.她甚至没有回头瞥一眼就离开了房间。He borrowed my car without so much as a by your leave!他未经允许就借走了我的车!She auctioned off the car without so much as taking a ride in it.她甚至都没怎么开过那辆车,就把它拍卖了。He left without so much as a nod.他连头也不点一下就离开了。They ended their date without so much as a hug.约会结束时,他们甚至连个拥抱都没有。




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