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词汇 without a break
例句 Harry had worked for eight hours without a break.哈里不停地连续工作了八小时。On average, the human mind cannot concentrate on spoken information for more than six minutes without a break.一般来说,人脑对语言信息的持续注意力不超过六分钟。It has rained for five days without a break. 雨已经连续下了五天。She's worked for 27 hours without a break.她已连续工作了二十七个小时。She rapped out a group of ancient writers' names without a break.她一口气说出了一大串古代作家的名字。Can anyone relieve Tammy? She's been on duty for ten hours without a break.谁能接替塔米?她已连续值班十小时没有休息过了。We worked all day without a break.我们不间断地工作了一整天。We've been working all day without a break.我们整天都在工作,没有歇过。They worked through the night without a break.他们连续工作了一个晚上。I had to drive nine hours without a break - it was exhausting.我得连续不停地驾车九小时,真是累人。In this office it's all go all day without a break.这个办公室整天都很忙,一刻不停。He worked on without a break.他一直工作,没有休息。The fields extend for miles without a break.田野绵延不断数英里。You shouldn't sit in front of a computer screen for long periods without a break.你不该坐在电脑屏幕前长时间不休息。




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