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词汇 withdrew
例句 She withdrew after her drubbing in the New Hampshire primary.在新罕布什尔州的初选中遭遇惨败后她退出了竞选。They withdrew from the battlefield.他们从战场上撤离。He eventually withdrew in favour of Blair, thought to be the more popular candidate.他最终转而支持布莱尔这位被认为是更受欢迎的候选人。She withdrew her allegations of sex discrimination at work.她收回了声称自己在工作中遭遇性别歧视的话。The ambassador frowned and withdrew the cigar from his mouth.大使皱了皱眉,把雪茄从嘴里抽出。Slowly Ruth withdrew her hand from his.露丝慢慢地从他的掌心里抽出手来。Ray withdrew his confession, saying that he had been coerced by the police.雷收回了自己的供词,说是被警察逼供的。The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad.昨天塞尔日·维亚尔退出该队令法国人又遭遇了一记重击。Cassandra withdrew her hand from Roger's.卡桑德拉将手从罗杰手里抽了回来。After dinner, we withdrew to the library.饭后我们去了图书馆。She formally withdrew her resignation.她正式收回了她的辞呈。She withdrew from other people as she grew older.上了年纪后她不太与人交往。He pulled back forces from Mongolia, and he withdrew from Afghanistan.他从蒙古撤军,并且撤离阿富汗。The company withdrew the job offer.公司收回了提供的这份工作。After lunch they withdrew to their own rooms.午饭后他们回到自己的房间。She withdrew a document from her briefcase.她从她的公文包中取出一份文件。They withdrew their support after the President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.在总统称这次大会是在制造政治事端之后,他们便撤回了对这次会议的支持。Bower was leading in the polls, but he withdrew when the scandal hit the press.鲍尔在民意调查中领先,但丑闻被报界披露后,他就退出了。The prosecutor withdrew her question to the witness.公诉人撤回了对证人的提问。She made a half-hearted stab at medical school, and quickly withdrew.她漫不经心尝试过考医学院,但很快就放弃了。Troops withdrew from the north east of the country last March.军队去年三月从该国东北部撤出。She withdrew her hand from his grasp, and turned to leave the room.她把手从他手里抽出,转身离开了房间。We withdrew to the garden for a private talk.我们躲到花园里去说悄悄话。He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.联合国认定形势过于危险,所以撤出了它所有的救援人员。The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation.曾经作证说他有罪的那名证人已经撤销指控。He withdrew his hand from the doorknob.他把手从门把上移开。He couldn't believe his luck when the other candidate for the job withdrew.该职位的另一名应征者退出了竞争,他简直不能相信自己运气这么好。Interest in the project dried up when he withdrew his support.他撤回了他的支持后,人们对该项目的兴趣就彻底没有了。He and the others withdrew to their rented rooms.他和其他人回到了他们租住的房间。She withdrew her amendment and left the meeting.她撤回了修正案,离开了会场。He withdrew into himself after his mother's death.他母亲去世以后他开始封闭自己。Staff withdrew from the main part of the prison but secured the perimeter.工作人员撤离了监狱的主要区域,但确保了外围的安全。He withdrew savings from a major bank just two days before it was declared insolvent.就在一家大银行宣告破产前的两天,他取出了存款。She opened the drawer and withdrew a large envelope.她打开抽屉,拿出一个大信封。He withdrew his candidacy after the scandal damaged his reputation.因丑闻坏了名声后,他放弃了候选人资格。As the troops withdrew, the entire city celebrated the liberation.部队撤退时,整个城市欢庆解放。I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.我告诉他如果他退出,那就是出于自愿。The US formally withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty.美国正式退出了反弹道导弹条约。He poured the wine and then withdrew again.他斟完酒,然后就又退下了。




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