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She owned a boarding house on the south coast.她在南部海岸有一所家庭旅馆。The President read a brief statement to reporters before boarding his plane.总统登机前向记者宣读了一篇简短的声明。She owned a boarding house on the west coast.她在西海岸拥有一家家庭旅馆。You can try scuba diving, paddle boarding, body surfing or kite surfing.你可以尝试水肺潜水、浆板、冲浪和风筝冲浪。She had no qualms about sending her young children to boarding school.她把幼小的孩子送到寄宿学校上学,心里没有一丝不安。The boarding gate was crowded with anxious boarders.登机口挤满了急切登机的人。The captain told the crew to prepare to receive a boarding party.船长告诉船员准备接受登船搜查队的检查。It was nice to read that the Duke will not be sending his son off to boarding school.得知公爵不会把儿子送到寄宿学校真让人高兴。Stores are boarding up their windows in case rioting breaks out.店主们将窗户用木板封起来,以防暴乱发生。Please present your boarding pass to the flight attendant.请向乘务员出示你的登机牌。He was photographed boarding his private jet.他在登上自己的私人喷气式飞机时被拍到了。We checked our bags before boarding.登机前我们把行李托运了。When I got to the airport, my flight was already boarding.当我到达机场时,我乘坐的班机已经在登机了。Her parents sent her to boarding school to straighten her out.她父母送她去寄宿学校,希望这样她能改好。Nicholas was sent to boarding school at the tender age of seven.尼古拉斯年仅七岁时就被送进了寄宿学校。Some of the boarding houses we stayed in were really run-down.我们住的家庭旅馆中有几个实在很破旧。Of course, now she is away at boarding school.当然,她现在住在寄宿学校那边。They shipped the children off to boarding school.他们把孩子送进了寄宿学校。Although he was educated in India, he went to an English-style boarding school.他虽然是在印度受教育,但他上的是一所英式的寄宿学校。He had an especially bad time at boarding school.他在寄宿学校日子过得格外不开心。I got my boarding pass and checked my suitcase.我已经办理了登记手续,也托运了行李。Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to call home.珍妮在登机之前又试着打了一次电话回家。Many people scraped and saved to get their boys into boarding schools.许多人为把儿子送进寄宿学校念书而节衣缩食。Passengers must fill in a boarding card before boarding the plane.乘客登机前必须填写登机卡。Please present your boarding card at the gate.请在登机口出示登机证。Shopkeepers were boarding up their windows.各家店主正在用木板封窗户。She was sent to boarding school when she was nine.九岁时她被送去读寄宿学校。She was hit by a large wave and dumped while body-boarding in the surf.她在用卧式冲浪板冲浪时被一道巨浪撞上并扑倒。They sent their children to boarding school.他们把孩子送到了寄宿学校。The Pope delivered his remarks before boarding his plane.教皇在登机之前发表了看法。I think we'd better get moving, it's only five minutes to boarding time.我想我们得赶紧了,离登机时间只有五分钟了。Passengers checked their baggage before boarding the plane.旅客上飞机前托运了行李。I go to boarding school.我上寄宿学校。Don't forget to fill in your boarding cards.别忘了填写你的登机卡。He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.航班登机时,广播中反复呼叫他。The boarding school I went to was not much good.我上过的那个寄宿学校不怎么样。They pack their sons off to boarding school.他们把儿子送到寄宿学校上学。You must hold a valid ticket before boarding the train.你必须持有效车票上火车。Our flight is boarding at gate number 4.我们的航班在四号门登机。We're now boarding all passengers.所有的乘客现在可以登机。 |