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He violently emptied the contents of his stomach.他一股脑把胃里的东西都吐了出来。Without a second thought, they throw the baby out with the bath water and start again from scratch.他们毫不犹豫地把好的不好的一股脑全放弃,又从头开始。Don't gulp everything down without masticating.不要不加咀嚼就把什么都给一股脑地吞下去。Stanford throws in every colloquialism and contemporary catch phrase he can.斯坦福把他所知道的所有口语词与时兴用语都一股脑加了进去。The material was spoon-fed to the students.那些资料被一股脑地灌输给了学生。He stopped and tumbled the wood in a pile on the sand.他停下脚步,把木头一股脑丢到沙滩上。All his resentment spilled out.他的怨恨一股脑全都发泄了出来。 |