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词汇 welled
例句 Tears welled in her eyes.泪水涌上她的双眼。Tears welled up in Anni's eyes.安妮的眼里涌出了泪水。He swallowed the sob that welled up inside.他强忍下心中涌起的伤感。A new spirit welled up from the very core of the nation.这个民族的中坚分子中涌现出一种新的精神。Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. 她的眼里流出了喜悦的泪水。Gratitude welled in her.她心中充满了感激之情。Strong feelings of pride welled up in me.我心中涌起强烈的自豪感。A lump welled up in his throat and he could not speak.他喉咙里长了一个肿块,使他说不出话来。Happiness welled up inside me.我心中涌起一股幸福的暖流。Asense of hurt and outrage welled up inside him.他心里涌起一阵受到伤害和愤怒的感觉。A sob welled up in his throat.他喉咙里发出一声呜咽。Love for him welled inside her.她心中涌起了对他的爱。Gratitude welled in Chryssa.克里萨满怀感激。Her love for him welled stronger than ever.她对他的爱比以前更强烈了。The hot tears welled up in her eyes.热泪涌上她的眼眶。




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