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词汇 Tim
例句 I looked up from my newspaper and there he was, as large as life, Tim Trotter!我看完报纸抬起头来,竟意外地看到了蒂姆‧特罗特,真的是他本人,一点儿没错。Tim played for the national youth team but never became a professional.蒂姆为国家青年队比赛,但从未成为职业选手。After the divorce, Tim felt he had reached/hit the bottom of the barrel.蒂姆离婚后,觉得自己的人生跌入了谷底。Tim, may I introduce you to my uncle's secretary, Mary Waller?.蒂姆,我来介绍一下,这位是我叔叔的秘书玛丽·沃勒。Tim's designs were just far-out.蒂姆的设计就是怪。The songwriters are none other than Sir Tim Rice and Sir Elton John.歌曲作家正是蒂姆·赖斯爵士和埃尔顿·约翰爵士。Tim stabbed at the television button.提姆戳了一下电视机的按钮。I think I would tend to go along with what Tim was saying.我想我倾向于赞同蒂姆所说的。I asked Tim if he'd seen Jackie lately but he shook his head.我问蒂姆近来是否见过杰基,他摇了摇头。Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。Tim had dropped the letter in earlier.蒂姆早些时候已经把信寄了出去。Tim's in one of his moods so I'm keeping out of his way.蒂姆又闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点儿。He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源,让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。Don't worry, Uncle Tim, your future is safe in our hands.别担心,蒂姆大叔,你将来由我们照顾。Tim has longish, shaggy hair.蒂姆留着蓬乱的长发。Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.蒂姆和芭芭拉正在攒钱,准备在郊区买一栋房子。Sometimes Tim's a little slow on the uptake.蒂姆有时理解得有点慢。Men are usually quite good at map-reading but Tim is the exception.通常男性都很会看地图,但蒂姆却是个例外。Tim's absence filled her with foreboding.提姆的缺席令她产生了不祥的预感。She recognised the voice on the phone as Tim's, but he sounded strange.她听出电话里是蒂姆的声音,但听起来很怪。The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim's chances of survival were still slim.给蒂姆做脑部扫描的专科医生认为他活下来的可能性仍旧渺茫。Tim's good at math and science.蒂姆的数学和自然科学很好。Tim's drinking has made him an embarrassment to the whole family.蒂姆的酗酒使他成了让全家难堪的人。Tim is an old hand at photography.蒂姆摄影经验丰富。She couldn't tell him about her mixed-up feelings about Tim.她无法告诉他自己对蒂姆的复杂感情。Tim buggered off to Australia years ago.蒂姆几年前就去了澳大利亚。Now look here, Tim, there really is no need for that kind of reaction.你听我说,蒂姆,你这种反应真的没必要。Tim was being groomed for a managerial position.蒂姆正在接受培训,准备担任经理。Eventually, Tim, Laura, and Ann moved into a shared house.最后,蒂姆、劳拉和安搬进了一个房子共住。Tim had to scour out the dirt and bits of gravel with a washcloth.蒂姆只好用毛巾擦去尘土和沙砾块。Tim turned the handle slowly and pushed open the door.蒂姆慢慢地转动把手,然后推开了门。I was just getting ready to go out when Tim called.蒂姆打电话来时我正在准备出去。My goodness, Tim, you have changed!我的天,蒂姆,你变了!Tim Knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company.蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。Tim may switch his BMW for something else.蒂姆可能会把他的宝马车换成别的什么车。Tim plays the role of a broody teenager.蒂姆扮演一个抑郁的少年。Tim went swimming in the sea.蒂姆去海里游泳了。Tim is listless on the job and keeps making dumb mistakes.蒂姆工作做得无精打采,不断犯愚蠢的错误。Tim Henman disposed of Pete Sampras in straight sets.蒂姆・亨曼完胜皮特・桑普拉斯。The coach has to find a substitute for Tim.教练得找一个替补蒂姆的人选。




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