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词汇 warn against
例句 We were warned against drinking the local water.有人告诫我们不要喝当地的水。Mr Lowe warned against complacency.洛先生告诫说不能自满。She warns against making changes too quickly.她告诫说不要过快做出变动。Kline warned against any letup in the pilot's concentration.克兰恩警告说,飞行员的注意力不能有丝毫松懈。Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.医生警告说,治疗常见病不可掉以轻心。He warned against the dangers of undue pessimism.他警告说,持不必要的悲观态度是危险的。He warned against any quick-fix solutions.他告诫说任何权宜之计都是不可取的。Mr Rendel warned against a bargain basement university system.伦德尔先生告诫人们防范劣质大学体系。We were specifically warned against buying the house.有人明确地警告我们不要买这所房子。With almost evangelical fervour, Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan.几乎是凭着一股疯狂的热情,马克斯警告人们不要刻意追求晒成一身古铜色。His religion warns against coveting material goods.他的宗教信仰告诫他不要贪求物质财富。He warned against repeating the same mistake.他警告说不能再犯同样的错误。She was warned against speaking to journalists about the affair.她被警告不许和记者谈及此事。Mitchell warns against sharing private, unedited emotions over the Internet.米切尔警告人们不要把私人情感原封不动地放到因特网上与人分享。Tourists are warned against going to remoter regions.旅游者被告诫不要到边远地区去。We were warned against using the faulty light switch.有人告诫我们不要用有缺陷的电灯开关。He warned against making hasty decisions.他警告过不要仓促作出决定。He warned against underestimating their opponents.他警告说不能低估他们的对手。He warned against exaggerated expectations for growth.他提醒人们不要对增长有过高的预期。




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