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词汇 want to be
例句 Do we really want to be stampeded in such a way?.我们真的愿意被这样逼迫吗?I want to be left in privacy.我想一个人待着。The thought suddenly flashed through my mind that she didn't want to be here.我突然想到,她不想来这里。He told people that he wanted to be a missionary, but nobody really believed he was in earnest.他告诉人们他想成为传教士,但没人真的相信他是认真的。We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.我们正在列一份我们最不愿意嫁的十大男人的名单。Her employer was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.她的老板在和两位律师谈事情,不想有人打扰。As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.作为服务员,你应该对人友好,但不要表现出完全卑躬屈膝的样子。Her height could be to her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer.如果她想成为一名舞蹈演员,她的身高会对她不利。Nobody wants to be hauled before the court of public opinion and forced to eat dirt.没人想被送上舆论法庭,被迫忍气吞声。The band wants to be shot of its manager.乐队想辞掉经理人。He wants to be an actor when he leaves school.他想当演员。You'll have to really work at it if you want to be a professional dancer.如果你想成为职业舞蹈家就必须好好下工夫。We ought to get rolling if we don't want to be late.不想迟到的话,我们应该走了。Tracy is interested in journalism, but Sarah wants to be a doctor.特雷西对新闻工作感兴趣,而萨拉却想成为一名医生。He doesn't want to be treated too severely.不应该对他过于严厉。She wants to be a firefighter when she grows up.她想长大后当消防员。Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。I didn't want to be a teacher, so I decided to have a whack at business.我不想做老师,所以我决定试一试经商。Send all letters recorded delivery if you want to be certain they will arrive.倘使你要确保信件递到无误,用记录式邮递寄发好了。He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again.他要再想让我请他来我家作客,那就得好好改一改才行。That newscaster is a showboat, she wants to be on camera all the time.那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头。A high school classmate of mine has always wanted to be a broadcaster.我的一个中学同学一直想当广播员。They wanted to be seen as equal partners in the creative relationship.他们希望在他们创造性的关系中被视为平等的合作伙伴。I want to be rested for the exam.我要在考前睡个好觉。She wouldn't want to be in a monogamous relationship.她不会想要单一性伴侣的关系。The baby was tugging at his coat to show that he wanted to be picked up.宝宝在使劲拽他的衣服,表示他希望被抱起来。Hannah had always wanted to be a doctor.汉纳一直想当医生。He was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.他正和两位律师商谈,不希望被打断。I didn't want to be tied to commuting to London.我不想受约束天天乘车到伦敦去上班。Rub on some mosquito repellent, if you don't want to be stung.你如果不想被蚊子叮,就擦上些驱蚊剂吧。Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.你别慢吞吞地化妆,我们不想音乐会迟到。People want to be comfy.人们想要舒适感。The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.他们的婚姻很失败,两个人都想从中解脱出来。We'd better synchronize our watches if we all want to be there at the same time.如果我们大家想在同一时间到达那里,最好把表对一下。I have often talked about why we want to be mothers, but none of us can describe the urge exactly.我经常谈到我们为什么想做母亲,但没有一个人能准确地描述这种冲动。I've always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn't hear of it.我一直想当个演员,但爸爸不同意。Deaf people do not want to be seen as objects of pity.耳聋的人不想被别人视为怜悯的对象。People are much more selective about what they watch on TV these days, and they don't want to be fobbed off with any old rubbish.如今人们看电视挑剔多了,那些乱七八糟的旧东西哄不了他们。He wanted to be unconditionally loved.他希望有人能无条件地爱他。She doesn't want to be hurried into making a decision.她不想被人催着仓促作决定。




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