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If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。If you give your baby juice, dilute it well.如果给婴儿喝果汁,要将其充分稀释。Having juice instead of coffee was a deviation from his usual routine.他喝果汁而不喝咖啡,这不符合他的通常习惯。Children enjoy drinking juice through a straw.孩子喜欢用吸管喝果汁。She drank the juice through a straw.她用吸管喝果汁。After a workout, juices are excellent because they quench your thirst and replace fluids and carbohydrates.锻炼之后喝果汁很不错,不但解渴而且还补充了液体和碳水化合物。We have fruit juice but maybe you'd like something a little stronger?我们喝果汁,但或许你想来点酒?Dental erosion in adults can be due to excessive consumption of fruits and fruit juices.成人患牙侵蚀症可能是由于吃水果或喝果汁过多造成的。I was recommended fruit juices to flush nicotine out of the body.有人劝我多喝果汁以排除体内尼古丁。 |